1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Hot Toys visit this thread. In fact they are here right now...

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMo_HcRBnUY"]Steve Buscemi - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

If they can tailor and stitch a ____ing Spiderman costume then they can stitch this ____ on, its not something that would drive up the cost..especially for a new figure body with a very very basic costume design.

Thanks anyway. Solidus beat you to it. :wave
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

How much would you charge to embroider an S and stitch it on a uniform?

Don't ask me that question, ask the dude a few pages back who works that magic and actually gives more of a ____ about it then i do. :lol

I just know Hot Toys could do this without raising the price.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


Why's he gotta be eating ramen with kimchi? He could be eating cup-o-pizza!

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I just know Hot Toys could do this without raising the price.

It takes a lot longer to stitch a patch on than it does to clue and tack a label. That means more man hours in the production line which equates to more $$$ in overhead which is then cost that's passed onto us. You'd be looking at about $235+ if they did that. People don't work for free and companies don't eat costs on the whim of some Fanboy's tangents. :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

It takes a lot longer to stitch a patch on than it does to clue and tack a label. That means more man hours in the production line which equates to more $$$ in overhead which is then cost that's passed onto us. You'd be looking at about $235+ if they did that. People don't work for free and companies don't eat costs on the whim of some Fanboy's tangents. :lol

I can imagine horrible visable stitching and wonky ones as well.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

If they can tailor and stitch a ____ing Spiderman costume then they can stitch this ____ on, its not something that would drive up the cost..especially for a new figure body with a very very basic costume design.

In this scale, I think fine stitching something like that might look bad. I think I'd prefer the decal to an S that looks like it came off a quilt.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Anything that intricate would not work as a patch in that scale and certainly not stitched together as the original as cking pointed out. The vinyl decal on the Jor-El figure was fantastically rendered and even featured a silver thread border. This fig needs nothing more than that but with a simple revision of the design. And that's all :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yes - even though I wish this figure could be more accurate, there's no way I would expect HT to make the chest logo sewn into the costume like they did on the original. I can tell you that this technique is difficult enough at full size - the very talented seamstress who made the 1/3 scale costume for Bob Causey's statue was only just able to do it at 1/3rd scale. Trying to do that at 1/6th would be practically impossible and the end result wouldn't be worth the effort.

The decal is the way to go - if only they'd made the decal more accurate. I'm actually wondering whether there's some kind of copyright on the design of logo that they used in the Superman movies. Maybe HT had to change it so it didn't exactly resemble the movie version and hence could avoid paying copyright? I honestly can't think of any other reason why it looks so lame when there are hundreds of photos that clearly show them what it should have looked like.

I'm just guessing here though. Not to worry - if the figure proves to be a keeper because of the improved head sculpt, I'll get some nice accurate custom logos made so I can replace the chest and cape logos on my figure. That's my biggest complaint though - why should I have to do that on this type of figure when it could have easily been done by HT in the first place.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Not to worry - if the figure proves to be a keeper because of the improved head sculpt, I'll get some nice accurate custom logos made so I can replace the chest and cape logos on my figure. That's my biggest complaint though - why should I have to do that on this type of figure when it could have easily been done by the manufacturer.

We were very worried, but you're right. Did you know that some people had to buy $200 Joker socks for their Heath Ledger figures because HT was too lazy to make them screen accurate? Why they had to do that, when the manufacturer could have done it themselves is completely beyond me. I mean, even the figure didn't retail for as much as those socks. Hot Toys has some serious gall, huh?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Quit with the lame responses. There's a big difference between the prominent chest shield on the Superman costume compared to unseen (for the most part) Joker socks.

I couldn't give a crap about the socks but when something is slap bang on the chest of a figure and it doesn't look correct - that bothers me. Especially when there's no apparent reason why it couldn't have been done correctly.

We were very worried, but you're right. Did you know that some people had to buy $200 Joker socks for their Heath Ledger figures because HT was too lazy to make them screen accurate? Why they had to do that, when the manufacturer could have done it themselves is completely beyond me. I mean, even the figure didn't retail for as much as those socks. Hot Toys has some serious gall, huh?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Quit with the lame responses. There's a big difference between the prominent chest shield on the Superman costume compared to unseen (for the most part) Joker socks.

Quit with the lame OCD trolling and your complaint might register in your readers with a modicum of respectful consideration.

cking said:
I couldn't give a crap about the socks but when something is slap bang on the chest of a figure and it doesn't look correct - that bothers me. Especially when there's no apparent reason why it couldn't have been done correctly.

The difference is negligible and the logo on the figure looks better. The movie logo looks like it was hand-drawn by someone who failed calligraphy class. But the bottom line is that you're acting like you're entitled to a flawless figure and in reality, you're entitled to the choice of buying the figure, or not. Ranting incessantly and insulting those who don't care is only going to bore and annoy the living ____ out of most people. You are of course free to be so obnoxious if you're inclined, but don't cry when the return fire hits home.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Quit with the lame OCD trolling and your complaint might register in your readers with a modicum of respectful consideration.

The difference is negligible and the logo on the figure looks better. The movie logo looks like it was hand-drawn by someone who failed calligraphy class. But the bottom line is that you're acting like you're entitled to a flawless figure and in reality, you're entitled to the choice of buying the figure, or not. Ranting incessantly and insulting those who don't care is only going to bore and annoy the living ____ out of most people. You are of course free to be so obnoxious if you're inclined, but don't cry when the return fire hits home.

:clap:clap:clap well said :clap:clap:clap
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

OCD Trolling? This coming from someone with a post count of 10,999.
You sir - need to spend less time here and more time in the real world.

I will continue to state my opinion for as long as I wish and it gives me great satisfaction to do it knowing that it pisses you off.

Quit with the lame OCD trolling and your complaint might register in your readers with a modicum of respectful consideration.

The difference is negligible and the logo on the figure looks better. The movie logo looks like it was hand-drawn by someone who failed calligraphy class. But the bottom line is that you're acting like you're entitled to a flawless figure and in reality, you're entitled to the choice of buying the figure, or not. Ranting incessantly and insulting those who don't care is only going to bore and annoy the living ____ out of most people. You are of course free to be so obnoxious if you're inclined, but don't cry when the return fire hits home.
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