Bo Shrek
Super Freak
The paint application looks fantastic great job. I just don’t see Dan Ackroyd / Ray Stantz likeness in the sculpt. And that is nothing against the sculptor. Ackroyd is a difficult likeness to capture.
That looks awesome man! Thanks for the tip on the nametags... took them two weeks, but they finally got back to me and I've now got a set in the mail
The paint application looks fantastic great job. I just don’t see Dan Ackroyd / Ray Stantz likeness in the sculpt. And that is nothing against the sculptor. Ackroyd is a difficult likeness to capture.
haha no, one sixth scale kings is offering completes nametags.
I agree about the likeness but it's the better one out there and still better than mattel attempts IMO!
But thanks man
HAHA, thanks for the tip man! Need these for my customs too!
Yeah i don't like that second attempts, they all look way too cartoony to my liking.
The paint application looks fantastic great job. I just don’t see Dan Ackroyd / Ray Stantz likeness in the sculpt. And that is nothing against the sculptor. Ackroyd is a difficult likeness to capture.
Even Mattel's second attempt at Ray looks nothing like Ray??? Here is a picture of my generic man with Slimeblower!!!
Looks like a grown up Woody.... Toy Story
But we all must agree that everything neck down looks great!!!!
Lookin' awesome eighthsamurai! I have my set of Spenser's heads with JOhnny right now being painted up. I plan on displaying mine similar to yours, with the 4 guys behind the 1/18 Elite Ecto-1.
Luckily I was able to get in on the set of Astro's elbow pads for mine. And I picked up 4 replacement flight-suits too. Not that the Matty one's are bad, I just wanted to use different one's. Still have to get around to putting mine together though.
thanks man. post yours up when you get them
...i do however like that the matty ones have a little room to add the guts!
Here's some pics of my almost complete Ray Stantz.