Predator 2 had cool characters and a cool Predator, the only thing that hurts it for me is the bizarre future of it, the weird tribal gangs idea just seemed very out of place in a city that pretty much looked present day.
Predator 2 had cool characters and a cool Predator, the only thing that hurts it for me is the bizarre future of it, the weird tribal gangs idea just seemed very out of place in a city that pretty much looked present day.
Predator 2 had cool characters and a cool Predator, the only thing that hurts it for me is the bizarre future of it, the weird tribal gangs idea just seemed very out of place in a city that pretty much looked present day.
But Sean it was the future! 1997! Who knew what kind of world we would live in 7 years from now when it came out. Where were the flying cars?![]()
Just my opinion. Look I wanted to like Alien 4 but I couldn't get into the crappy hybrid design along with the fact that they made the Queen weaksauce. And I can't stand the Aliens growling like dogs. Also they threw out the gestation period for chestbursters set by the previous films. Don't get me started on the French midget.The only things that were cool were some of the crew, the production design, the aliens swimming scene, and the basketball scene. But again this is just my opinion. AvP has no balls (see PG-13 rating) with a story and AvP:R has a HORRIBLE story and gore. Go figure. This is just my opinion, even Alien 3 is more salvageable.
Well realistically all those movies suck from Alien to Predator unless you're a fan.
I liked Harrigan, I like Paxton's character, Keyes was cool too, the Predator had some great stuff, it really was just a poor setting to put them all in.
P2 and AVP are kinda like opposites, P2 was good characters in a crappy setting, AVP was crappy characters in a good setting.
I liked everyone except Harrigan. I just never bought into his tough cop routine in any of his movies. I can overlook it now, but it still bothers me they couldn't get someone else.
Personally I really liked the idea that there is a government team that research/hunts predators in P2 because of the events in P1. But they turn out to be total lame dog with all bark and no bite. Its almost like the writers wanted to copy the idea of colonial marines in Aliens but couldn't bring that into the rest of the movie.
Got it. Love it. Case closed!
Dumb question... but I assume the right arm and left arm should be equally poseable?
My Dutch arrived and I noticed that the forearm had some ripples (although nothing seems to be poking) and basically the elbow joint is useless... but the left works great. Just making sure there isn't some explanation.
Other than that great looking figure... just bummed as I might have to return him.
Dumb question... but I assume the right arm and left arm should be equally poseable?
My Dutch arrived and I noticed that the forearm had some ripples (although nothing seems to be poking) and basically the elbow joint is useless... but the left works great. Just making sure there isn't some explanation.
Other than that great looking figure... just bummed as I might have to return him.
Not so fast, Chase. Post some pictures Bro!![]()
I took a few pix, nothing special, but I will post them in a few
Really a great figure!
Awesome. You take great pics Bro, Rambo was Classic. I could go for some King patio shots of this Guy.