Seems like mine has some glue on the bottom. I've been trying for an hour or so but still cant get it out. I've tried hot water, hell, even oil...
I've cut loose all the edges. There's no way its stuck on the sides.
Nah, it doesnt damage the paint.
I ended up using a blowdrier and a screwdriver. Heated it up to the point I could hardly touch it and yanked it real hard. Then finally that broken son af a biotch popped out.
Thanks for help though
Im trying to do the neck mod right now, but the joint socket just doesnt pop out. Im using knife, scissors, pliers and hot water, but no matter how hard I try it just doesnt pop out. My fingers are already starting to hurt
Any advice?
Hit the gym more and build up them muscles?![]()
Its funny cuz you used to report people for trolling.
You're a lucky son of a biotch then ! Cuz I cut the plug from every possible side, held it in boiling water for a minute or two, tried popping it out with small sharp scissors, knives, pliers, screwdriver.
Then tried getting some oil between the thing, but still no luck.
After that I finally tried heating it up with a blowdrier, TWICE, and THEN got it out, still with a lot of trouble.
The sad part is, I should hit the gym.
Maybe Nam is just Arnold in disguise.....
Not where it counts.
Arnold is too short to be NAM.![]()
Nam, off topic sorry, but does the "nam" part mean you were a soldier in the 'Vietnam War'?
I'll let NAM tell you what it means but I thought the same thing awhile back, so of course I imagined him being some crabby 60 year old vet in a wheel chair.![]()
I'll let NAM tell you what it means but I thought the same thing awhile back, so of course I imagined him being some crabby 60 year old vet in a wheel chair.![]()
I'll let NAM tell you what it means but I thought the same thing awhile back, so of course I imagined him being some crabby 60 year old vet in a wheel chair.![]()