NEW HT PREDATOR, 'Dutch' full spec and hi-res pics

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once loaded though... those pics are fantastic!!! so, does he come with a cigar or not?

i would say affirmative on that. first pic shows one in his hand. would be surprized if he didnt.
Muscle body looks a bit odd to me... not sure but doesn't really look like Arnold.

Well because they need to be able to recycle bodies whenever possible, it's not going to look quite like Arnold, just close enough to be him, while not close enough it can be other people. It's already being used for a video game figure, if they do a RAMBO I'm certain it'll be used for him as he requires a beefier looking body than the standard muscle body. I think this new body is promising and I like the working in of function as well as design with the split shoulder. Neck is a tad high looking in some views, but that's a flaw of all HT muscle bodies, and the shorter the hair of the figure, the more apparent it is, luckily Rambo hides it, and some figures have enough gear to hide it, but ones like Rocky make it stand out.


Looks great to me, I could not be happier with how hte camo turned out, I was really nervous about this with production, I feared it may come out on the too dark side but it's definitely on the just enough side which is great, you know it's there but it doesn't overpower the face.
I agree with Maulfan, besides everything always looks better in hand. Pics do almost no justice to a collectible.

The lighting on these photos definitely doesn't favor detail. You can barely see the skin texturing it's so washed out, which means subtle wrinkles, etc. also will be washed out. Needs to be lit more like HT's official images to bring that stuff out again.

I want to know how the cigar can go in his mouth.
My cousin is in HK. So would it be possible if I were to ask him to go to Toy Hunter and pick this up for me? Or is it strictly for those who have PO these?
My cousin is in HK. So would it be possible if I were to ask him to go to Toy Hunter and pick this up for me? Or is it strictly for those who have PO these?

In the beginning it is only for people who have PO. I'd have your cousin call and ask if they are available for purchase without a PO.
Good idea.

I'll have him call over there and ask.

Any chance HT is re releasing these through their MMS DX though? Like with 2 head sculpt, one with clean head sculpt and PERS technology.

In the beginning it is only for people who have PO. I'd have your cousin call and ask if they are available for purchase without a PO.
I love the design of a ball joint in the shoulder, I'll be eager to see how much more poseability that offers.