NEW HT PREDATOR, 'Dutch' full spec and hi-res pics

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Did you read wookster's post? He compared it with several other HT figures and said it wasn't smaller.

Well he compared it to different figures than I did. Dutch's head size may be more in tune with HT other more recent offerings but its definitely smaller than the likes of the Aliens USCM figures, T-800 endoskeleton, Kyle Reese and even bank robber joker.

To be fair its about the same size as other recent figures like Twoface, tony stark etc.
Well he compared it to different figures than I did. Dutch's head size may be more in tune with HT other more recent offerings but its definitely smaller than the likes of the Aliens USCM figures, T-800 endoskeleton, Kyle Reese and even bank robber joker.

To be fair its about the same size as other recent figures like Twoface, tony stark etc.

If there's anything on that figure that looks out of scale, it's the inch-and-a-half neck (which I intend to find some way to mod). :lol Other than that, I just don't see it.
If there's anything on that figure that looks out of scale, it's the inch-and-a-half neck (which I intend to find some way to mod). :lol Other than that, I just don't see it.

OK good if you don't see it. Try not to either, you'll enjoy the figure more. The whole scale thing isn't something that particularly caught my attention until Dutch and Predator. Suddenly I'm noticing size discrepancies everywhere. Guess I'll try to get used to it since its not a new thing with Hot toys.
Jesus, I just read on Wikipedia that Jean Claud Van Dam was supposed to be the predator... :monkey1 :lol

And? You saying this wouldn't have been good:




Nah you're right. Garbage. :lol:lol:rotfl:rotfl
Confirmed that it shrank in production or confirmed that it's smaller than other heads? Smaller than other heads is being stated by some in hand owners, Wookster's review should probably have some mention on that.

As far as it shrinking in production, it's just my speculation based on the evidence I have.

Agen I believe posted a scan of the instructions that came with the Dutch figure on how to use the muscle body, the head looks perfectly fit to the neck and body in all the photos of that manual. The production figure clearly is a mismatch, so the only conclusion I can reach is either the body or head changed size in the production process to cause this. Coupled with knowing that it's been commented before by Sideshow how there is some size and shape changes that can occur in production, my first guess is the head is what changed versus the body on Dutch.
Ok, I see what you're saying. Makes perfect sense
8th wonder. Keep an eye out for your Dutch if you ordered him with abc express.
They never told me mine was on its way but I missed it this morning !. :lol
I'm going to pick him up tommorow from the post office. :rock
8th wonder. Keep an eye out for your Dutch if you ordered him with abc express.
They never told me mine was on its way but I missed it this morning !. :lol
I'm going to pick him up tommorow from the post office. :rock

Yeah thanks uscm! My package containing Dutch, Billy and the Predator was shipped by abc express, i will get them soon:rock:rock:rock
I really don't think now that the body is too big or that the head is too small, but that the neck is too long. Everyone who has shorten theirs and posted pics looks great to me.
Here's that head comp as promised, I used the figures I had to hand, I'll have a look next to Twoface and Joker tonight, but I can't imagine there is that much in it.

Got mine yesterday, slight problem though...


Broken_hand_DUTCH_1.jpg biggie. I've fixed these before, but it allways kinda hurts the mood :(
E-mailed Hot Toys since I have had these similar problems before. I hope they send me the hole hand so that I wont have to drill the f#%@er out.

I've noticed that a thick rubber coated metal wire works a lot better with the hand than the hot toys joints do. It wont brake as easily...


and I made a leather band around the wrist which hides the wire... Works for me :)
Just editing my pics for the review, thought I'd post a few to show he ain't no pin head!

A'hm not ay peenhed, you hear!

Dat guy ovah dere, he'iz a peenhed!





When naked, those necks are quite long (as you all know) but mine will be displayed with the jacket on, so I'm leaving them as is-