PosterBoyKelly said:When it comes to dropping $60-$400 per high end item (12", RAH, PF) I can't do it on a set of 3 movies I only thought were "OK." Some will slip in, Jango, I'm sure some Anakin or Palpatine PT piece, and of course Animated Clone Wars (only EU/PT things I really love) but in the end that's too much money to drop on a series of films that, though I liked a lot, don't resonate with me completely. OT is forever to me, so the money is justifiable. PT is VERY pick and choose. It's really not that hard, most of the time. But again, would you drop $60-$400 on things from a set of films you thought were good, but not amazing? Just replace PT with a set of movies you felt were just alright, and than say "Would I drop that kind of money on stuff from them?" That's where I'm coming from on it. BUT when I see some cool crap like a RAH Jango or Grevious PF, it does get hard.
I think I'll have to rationalize about this once more of the EU are available--- having not read the books (or comics that extensively) and having never played games like KOTOR I have no connection with many of the characters that I hear guys on here chomping at the bit to get. Ventress I like from the Clone Wars cartoon (as well as other possibilities) but when a Darth Whatsisname is revealed and I have no idea what his connection to the SW story is I'm going to have a hard time plunking down $60+ for him...