Newsletter out--Holographic Darth Sidious with Mechno-chair (1/6th Scale)

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PosterBoyKelly said:
When it comes to dropping $60-$400 per high end item (12", RAH, PF) I can't do it on a set of 3 movies I only thought were "OK." Some will slip in, Jango, I'm sure some Anakin or Palpatine PT piece, and of course Animated Clone Wars (only EU/PT things I really love) but in the end that's too much money to drop on a series of films that, though I liked a lot, don't resonate with me completely. OT is forever to me, so the money is justifiable. PT is VERY pick and choose. It's really not that hard, most of the time. But again, would you drop $60-$400 on things from a set of films you thought were good, but not amazing? Just replace PT with a set of movies you felt were just alright, and than say "Would I drop that kind of money on stuff from them?" That's where I'm coming from on it. BUT when I see some cool crap like a RAH Jango or Grevious PF, it does get hard.

I think I'll have to rationalize about this once more of the EU are available--- having not read the books (or comics that extensively) and having never played games like KOTOR I have no connection with many of the characters that I hear guys on here chomping at the bit to get. Ventress I like from the Clone Wars cartoon (as well as other possibilities) but when a Darth Whatsisname is revealed and I have no idea what his connection to the SW story is I'm going to have a hard time plunking down $60+ for him...
DarthNeil said:
I think I'll have to rationalize about this once more of the EU are available--- having not read the books (or comics that extensively) and having never played games like KOTOR I have no connection with many of the characters that I hear guys on here chomping at the bit to get. Ventress I like from the Clone Wars cartoon (as well as other possibilities) but when a Darth Whatsisname is revealed and I have no idea what his connection to the SW story is I'm going to have a hard time plunking down $60+ for him...

:clap :clap :clap
mfoga said:
I have a pic with a piece of paper up to give you an idea of height. This is pretty mush straight on and the paper is at the bottom where its standing

That would help if we knew how tall the paper is. Knowing how tall the paper is and being there to see how it measured up, approximately how tall do you think it is Mfoga?
From the images I've seen, I'd say it's at least 11" tall more or less.
If it's $50, I'll be a little hesitant to order, but personally I think this is cooler then the Holochess table.
The paper is 11" long so I stand by my original eyeball estimate of 10" I would say it between 10" and 10 1/2" tall.
I wonder what choice of material is used for this item. From the image it looks like plain plastic.
This is a neat piece, imo, and it'd be really neat if there was a light in it. If you've read Labrynth of Evil it has a bit more signifigance. Depending on the price, of course, it'll be cool to have with Maul or Assajj, or even Dooku when they get around to him. Helps to flush out the Sith display, and makes a little more sense that the Chess table we've still seen nothing to go with.:eek:
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jlcmsu said:
If Nute and his buddy are the two pack it make tihs piece even more cool really and will drive more people to get it.

Two pack?

What would be really cool is if they make Nute and he includes his walking throne... in any case, bring on the Separatist Council! Wat Wat Wat Wat Wat....
metaphorge said:
Two pack?

What would be really cool is if they make Nute and he includes his walking throne... in any case, bring on the Separatist Council! Wat Wat Wat Wat Wat....

I think his walking throne and the SDCC exclusive Mechno-Chair are one and the same. Could be wrong though...
Sith Lord 0498 said:
I think his walking throne and the SDCC exclusive Mechno-Chair are one and the same. Could be wrong though...

I'm remembering a scene that had Nute in his throne talking to holo-Sidious as both the throne and the projector were walking along together, so I don't think so. Maybe it's time to rewatch TPM?

I know I'm an anomaly for this, but I love the Nemoidians. I'd happily buy every 1:6 one that SST could produce.
metaphorge said:
I'm remembering a scene that had Nute in his throne talking to holo-Sidious as both the throne and the projector were walking along together, so I don't think so. Maybe it's time to rewatch TPM?

I know I'm an anomaly for this, but I love the Nemoidians. I'd happily buy every 1:6 one that SST could produce.

Aesthetically the Nemoidians are interesting and I'd be happy to add them to my collection as well. I believe that you're right, in TPM Nute is walking in his throne talking with the holo-Sidious. (of course, I've been wrong before:D )
jlcmsu said:
Yeah, two figures in one box. :)

Not two-pack the rapper... he died tragically in a random smelting accident.
But man, his lyrics live on------------biaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch.
metaphorge said:
I'm remembering a scene that had Nute in his throne talking to holo-Sidious as both the throne and the projector were walking along together, so I don't think so. Maybe it's time to rewatch TPM?

I just went through each scene between Nute and Sidious, and we're both wrong.

Nute does have a separate walking throne, so the two aren't the same. My bad.

But Nute is never in the walking throne when speaking to Sidious. He does sit in the Queen's throne when speaking to holo-Sidious, but even then Sidious' transmission is coming through Amidala's floor-based holoprojector.
metaphorge said:
I understood that; I was wondering if there has been any indication from Sideshow that they will be releasing any sort of 1:6 two-pack, as this is a rumor I've not heard before....

They said had their first two pack coming in future and it was PT based.
jlcmsu said:
They said had their first two pack coming in future and it was PT based.

That's interesting! Curious to see what it will. Although I'm sure AOTC Ani and Obi are a safe bet.
Xander said:
That's interesting! Curious to see what it will. Although I'm sure AOTC Ani and Obi are a safe bet.

I don't think (can't see) them releasing ANOTHER Obi so soon after ANH.
I'm still thinking a Lando/Lobot combo from ESB is in the cards...