Newsletter out--Holographic Darth Sidious with Mechno-chair (1/6th Scale)

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Memnoch21 said:
I think SS is in a bit of a bind this year. First they'd want to make a good showing at C4, meaning something big I would think BUT they probably don't want to be stuck with nothing big at SDCC ... should be interesitng.
they have all the other lines to make a splash with at SDCC, they should take advantage of huge SW fan base at C4.
I would think SDCC would be the better of the two as far as revealing new stuff goes. At C4 the fans will eat up anything you throw at them, and will be in the midst of lots of other SW stuff anyway. But at SDCC, they're gonna be pitting their stuff amidst their competition and trade dealers; I would think that woud be the place to really show off what you can do.
Captain Aldeggon said:
I would think SDCC would be the better of the two as far as revealing new stuff goes. At C4 the fans will eat up anything you throw at them, and will be in the midst of lots of other SW stuff anyway. But at SDCC, they're gonna be pitting their stuff amidst their competition and trade dealers; I would think that woud be the place to really show off what you can do.

I agree, but CIV would also be a place to shine because it is ALL Star Wars stuff. It really shows what they can't do differently with the license then their other SW competitors. Either way, CIV and SDCC should have some big annoucements Star Wars wise.
Only way to beat last year's Jabba is to announce a Furry CHewbacca or a Tatooine Speeder car.

That would be awesome.
They'll have something nice at C4 for sure that's a no doubter and it's also a no doubter that SDCC will have something as well.
jlcmsu said:
They'll have something nice at C4 for sure that's a no doubter and it's also a no doubter that SDCC will have something as well.
Yeah, they'll have my money! :D

After Jabba and crew last year, I have no doubts either. I can't wait to see what's coming!
jlcmsu said:
They'll have something nice at C4 for sure that's a no doubter and it's also a no doubter that SDCC will have something as well.

I hope so, the year has been a bit of a dud so far. I am ready for a big announcement.
madden821 said:
I hope so, the year has been a bit of a dud so far. I am ready for a big announcement.

Guess it depends on how you feel the year is going. I like what we've seen because it's been different. If you're looking for just certain types of announcements then yeah I'm sure it has been.
I've liked everything that's come since last SDCC... but I could use a big wow item to get me excited again. That's just me though, I always need a bit of a kick otherwise I get bored no matter my enthusiasm.
jlcmsu said:
Guess it depends on how you feel the year is going. I like what we've seen because it's been different. If you're looking for just certain types of announcements then yeah I'm sure it has been.

Its not that I think any of the announced figs are bad (since I am getting a couple of them) I just would have liked at least one new, good, solid figure like Tarkin, Lando, Greedo.. during the last 8 months thats all.
I understand. I would like regular figure announcements as well but we're getting back into that. We've had Luke and Leia which is good plus I'm sure C4 will bring a couple at least. Then you toss in SDCC with a couple more and bang we're back to being balanced out as far as announcements go.
madden821 said:
Its not that I think any of the announced figs are bad (since I am getting a couple of them) I just would have liked at least one new, good, solid figure like Tarkin, Lando, Greedo.. during the last 8 months thats all.


:chew :chew :chew
I'm loving these left-field choices, even though I expected exclusively ANH characters to be announced this year. The Mechno Chair is a reminder that TPM had lots of cool visual elements, even if the movie itself wasn't that great.
Not too impressed with the holo-chair.. A deinfite pass from me. It is cool looking tho.
