Super Freak
I just know in the past that certain teams have had our nunber in the regular season like your Washingtons and Philadelphias, and with those wins came the follow-up gloating and ignorant naive banter of fans like your Kit Fistos, Bumblebees, Badmoons, and Ringers. Then the playoffs would come along and prove to be an entirely different animal. You can have your regular series win, but in the end of the day, the playoffs matter and within the past 5 years or so, my Pens have done some serious damage to your Caps and Flyers in the post season. I see that trend continuing.
Eli, could you kindly add me to the list of the supposed 'ignorant.' fans

If Fleury backstops like he did yesterday, you 'nut-swinging' Pens fans will be crying in your beer at the end of the first round.