Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Sideshow's server will crash more than usual if you can imagine that.
Looks great to me. I hope he's $90 like Obi-Wan, but my gut tells it'll be $120.
when sideshow said they were bringing armor ...........they meant it !!! :banana

I think there's some influence of his look in LFL promotional images, which I think is one of the primary sources for reference SSC uses since LFL has TONS of archived images and such.
I appreciate that you guys can spot the inaccuracies, but I am so glad i am not burdened with that level of observation.
He looks awesome to me.

Yup way to freaking anal to me. I want to enjoy my toys even the ones I review.
Guess that whole INCLUSIVE deal was a bust.

Aug 1st will be a day long many will lose VADER and TROOPER to burned servers.
Guess that whole INCLUSIVE deal was a bust.

Aug 1st will be a day long many will lose VADER and TROOPER to burned servers.

Who knows if the EX will even be worth it? :huh

Hope it's something more interesting than the mouse droid. Actually, I hope it is the mouse droid so I can save some $$.
Yup way to freaking anal to me. I want to enjoy my toys even the ones I review.

i said id be hated, but when you gotta make this guy in 1/6th day in day out and the dress up as him at kinda see the bits that are off, believe me id love not to be like it....
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