Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Man, this is the one I was hoping for... and I had held out for Stormies as well, but thought maybe that would be too much at once.

Thank you Sideshow!!! :rock

Both look awesome so far, maybe Vader's head's a bit small, but one pic does not tell a lot. I do like that he looks pretty massive, not just tall but beefy as well :rock
I'll have a ^^^^^ of a time, east coast always gets the ^^^^ end of problems.

It gets just as bad for me here about 10 miles from SS. Sometimes. Plus with the move I'm not sure if my line is faster or not. It's suppose to be.

Not sure that will make a difference when everyone who ever ordered is lined up at the keyboard at 10am.

This is gonna suck, no way around it.
If the exclusive turns out to be that torture droid, this is going to be a cluster^^^^.
It gets just as bad for me here about 10 miles from SS. Sometimes. Plus with the move I'm not sure if my line is faster or not. It's suppose to be.

Not sure that will make a difference when everyone who ever ordered is lined up at the keyboard at 10am.

This is gonna suck, no way around it.

I'm just remembering Old Ben, seemed like Cali, Utah and places were the go tos for central and eastern folks, where's Buttmuch or Pix, get ready to do a lot of favors haha.
i said id be hated, but when you gotta make this guy in 1/6th day in day out and the dress up as him at kinda see the bits that are off, believe me id love not to be like it....

I don't hate ya but I'm not gonna get that anal about my toys. Too many other things in life I need to worry about. I understand what you're saying.

Aug 1st will be a day long many will lose VADER and TROOPER to burned servers.

That's why ordering all my stuff will be the first thing I do tomorrow night.
I don't hate ya but I'm not gonna get that anal about my toys. Too many other things in life I need to worry about. I understand what you're saying.

Anal makes it sound negative. I prefer observant or detail oriented.
It looks good to me. But if that's exactly what we'll get who the hell knows at this point with SS.

You had better not ^^^^ this up SS, you're taking an awful risk!

bring it! aug. 1st
I foresee a $300 day. Kinda puts Jabba and his throne in perspective, put Vader and a Stormtrooper next to Jabba and his throne, and ask someone which set cost more.
oh dear oh dear, firstly i like it and its great etc etc but, please dont shout at me....helmet and, domes seems to small, as ANH had the largest of the three OT vaders, see this pic..... shoulder bells are wrong shape, seems to glossy too, as ANh had a 'dusted' look....i know i am now universally hated...


Never mate. You ARE Vader! :D

It's a really nice figure though, but it Ain't a 'Cane vader. Nothing is.
I thought SS would wait to show this!, It looks great, time to decide wether I'll keep my Medi Vader and troopers...:rolleyes:
Maybe until I have them in hand I'll decide that!!
Looking good so far!!
The market will probably start to get flooded with Medi-Vaders.
I thought SS would wait to show this!, It looks great, time to decide wether I'll keep my Medi Vader and troopers...:rolleyes:
Maybe until I have them in hand I'll decide that!!
Looking good so far!!

I'd say for now, hold onto Medi-Vader, could be sometime, if ever, before SSC offers a ROTJ reveal Vader, assuming that's the one you have, and that's a cool Vader to have.
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