Super Freak
haha Nice, I have that clothing set also, I'll do this soon.
space on my empty shelf,so thought i'd do a new display
Hahaha you mean the HD1003 (WoTD lats spread), I havent heard much complaints about the HD1002 though. Everyone says its brilliant.
BTW I dunno if you checked this thread, but I finally MANAGED to catch the EtD verB sculpt, along with the Nokia GoD and bash a WoTD with the FoF calm head and WoTD hairpiece! My long ordeal is over
I want this I want this I want this
That's what I've been saying. This is what I wanted to do with my BD DX head sculpt. I'm happy you have the skills & "know how" to visually show peeps what I wanted to, but have not. Please tell us how you removed the scars & what hairpiece you used for the first Game picture. This is the way I want to display my BD DX head scupt. Thank youMore HT DX-04 Bash! I removed the scars from the BD head and did some quick bashes. The BD head's BL likeness is better than normal head IMO.
Thanks Mrchrislikeing the GOD bash ..ETD EB version B hair methinks larry
More HT DX-04 Bash! I removed the scars from the BD head and did some quick bashes. The BD head's BL likeness is better than normal head IMO.
guess what came today
Please tell us how you removed the scars & what hairpiece you used for the first Game picture. This is the way I want to display my BD DX head scupt. Thank you
Ohh, just won a business suit Bruce for under $100. I can just toss on the ETD head later if I want? Do both those sets use the same body?
Would the Enterbay set of hands/palms fit the Hot Toys hand pegs??