1/6 Pangaea 1/6 Greek General collectable figure All New pictures!

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The "Greek General" has finally reached these shores, but in lieu of glory and immortality, he found, well, me.

I just had time to unbox him and futz around a bit, so a quick review of my first impressions. (sorry, no time for pics)

The figure is very well made, it has heft to it and feels very solid. Materials are great and everything is very well put together. On the shelf Achilles has some presence.

Head Sculpt/Body:
The head sculpt is good, with a passable likeness to Brad Pitt’s Achilles. Having seen the unpainted sculpt somewhere here in these boards (or at least a version of it), I can’t help but think that something got lost in the process. Maybe it’s the paint apps.
The body is great, nice sculpt all around, decent range of articulation and tight joints. It doesn’t really look like Pitt’s physique, which is a shame, since the physicality of the character was quite an important part of the part, IMHO.

The leather duds look and feel great. The material has a nice supple feel to it and just looks great on the figure. The tailoring seems a bit off in certain aspects, like the leather belt, which seems a tad small.
The gear is nicely sculpted, and the choice of material works very well for me, all of it being made in a softer plastic so you can handle it easily without fear of breakage. My main complaint here is that all of the pieces of armor look way too large. Both the greaves and shin guards look big and clunky (not to mention the comically big helmet), making Achilles not at all tight and lethal like in the movie.
The sword looks and feels great, nice and heavy, as do the shield and spear (a re-use of the Hoplite’s spears).
The boots look terrible, the shape is wrong and they are just sculpted too big. Reminiscent of the Roman General’s awful boots in how wrong they got them.

Paint Apps:
Here’s where it all goes down hill, really.
The paint apps are bad. That’s it. It’s not just that the color palette is wrong, it’s the actual application which is pretty substandard for such an expensive figure. If Sideshow ever put out something this sloppy, all hell would break loose in these forums. I mean, they didn’t even try to get the armor to look believable, there’s just these thick brush strokes all over the place. It’s really sad, because the sculpt and way it’s put together is very neat.
The head sculpt could probably look a lot better, but the paint apps are uninspired.

Final thoughts:
For such an expensive figure, this leaves a lot to be desired. A repaint is mandatory, not just to correct the color palette, but to get a decent paint job. I’ll probably look into changing the body to see if I can find one that looks more like Pitt’s physique. Thankfully, we’re getting a new helmet, so that should help a lot. I’ll also look into finding better boots.

I don’t regret getting the figure, I just think it’s a huge missed opportunity.

While lengthy, these really are first impressions, so maybe as I futz around with the figure some more, some of my impressions might change, but for now it’s a 6/10.
Thanks for review. Still in dubio myself, remaining balance €151,81 or say goodbye to my €18,- deposit.
I'm not going to argue with abake's review, but I just unpacked mine and it's not as bad as I was fearing. After reading so many bad things and seeing some of the pictures, I thought I would regret the purchase. It's not a 10 that's for sure. I plan on doing some paint work on it and once the new helmet comes, I think it will be just fine. The helmet is big, but it doesn't seem as bad as in the pictures that were posted. It'll work for the time being.
Yeah, the review sounds very negative, but it's just a matter of perceived value, I guess.
IMHO, it's not a 200 dollar figure, but what can I do? I'm a fan of the movie and of Pitt's portrayal, so I guess I was doomed from the beginning... :lol
Been messing around with it a bit more, and one thing's for sure, the figure shines when you start posing it. It really has a nice playability to it.
I'm still debating on changing the body, but I suppose I'll make up my mind once I have to put it back together after the obligatory repaint.
The boots really do bother me, but I'm not sure there is a solution for that. The ones I have on my customized Achilles do look too modern. Besides, I'm not sure they will be easy to find again.

Another very small nitpick, the front of the skirt is tailored wrong, the centre piece should be about the same length as the outer parts, not shorter. But it's really a very minor detail. Just goes to show how obsessive I've been in researching the subject...
Well, I did some customisation to my Greek General over the week end, and I'm extremely happy with the results!

Sorry that I didn't have time for pics, but I basically just repainted the armour and clothing and changed the body with a CooModels tall body.
The improvement is vast.

The taller, slightly slimmer body works much better IMHO. The head looks better proportioned and by sheer chance, the color of the HS matches the color of the body perfectly. I highly recommend doing this body swap! Just putting the head on the CooModels body instantly made a difference to how much the figure looks like Brad Pitt. The stockier, shorter ACI body was the wrong build.
Darkening the entire outfit (including boots) and the armour also makes a huge difference. Suddenly everything looks to fit better and doesn't look so large.

Of course there are some downsides: the vambrances are too big for the CooModels arms, but I'm sure that can be fixed easily, and the neck post that comes with the body is a tad long, but not distractingly so.

I'll try to take a couple of pics later this week.
Well, I did some customisation to my Greek General over the week end, and I'm extremely happy with the results!

Sorry that I didn't have time for pics, but I basically just repainted the armour and clothing and changed the body with a CooModels tall body.
The improvement is vast.

The taller, slightly slimmer body works much better IMHO. The head looks better proportioned and by sheer chance, the color of the HS matches the color of the body perfectly. I highly recommend doing this body swap! Just putting the head on the CooModels body instantly made a difference to how much the figure looks like Brad Pitt. The stockier, shorter ACI body was the wrong build.
Darkening the entire outfit (including boots) and the armour also makes a huge difference. Suddenly everything looks to fit better and doesn't look so large.

Of course there are some downsides: the vambrances are too big for the CooModels arms, but I'm sure that can be fixed easily, and the neck post that comes with the body is a tad long, but not distractingly so.

I'll try to take a couple of pics later this week.
I'm guessing the muscular tall body not the standard?
Well, I did some customisation to my Greek General over the week end, and I'm extremely happy with the results!

Looking forward to seeing your pics. Which version of the COO body are you using? I cancelled my order after seeing the initial inhand shots. I always planned to do a body swap so maybe the difference will be convincing. I know there will be some additional modifications needed to get it where I'll eventually want. I'm also hoping that Pangea produces a Hector figure, but am working on a backup plan if they don't.
Here's a couple of quick iPhone pics:

This is the body I used (I don't like the rubber bodies...)

COO Toys Muscular Body (Tall) B34004

I'll try to take better pics over the week end, but hopefully you get an idea of how the body's proportions positively affect the overall appearance of the figure.
The neck still bothers me a bit (although in hand it's not so noticeable), so I'll try different neck posts to find one that fits better.
Ahh the color matches very well. Those gauntlets look huge now lol. And I think the longer neck helps a little with the large helmet, no? Since the helmet almost always gets snagged on the pauldron.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Actually, you just have to tug and pull and try to bend the arms in such a way that they offer the least resistance.
I won't lie, it was a bit nerve-wracking.
But then I had to put it back on, and then I realised taking it off had been the easy part.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Actually, you just have to tug and pull and try to bend the arms in such a way that they offer the least resistance.
I won't lie, it was a bit nerve-wracking.
But then I had to put it back on, and then I realised taking it off had been the easy part.

Thanks i got it one, i definitely like the new body a lot more. I might post pics tonight if i get to re paint him, im working on a yandu right now.
The body works wonders IMHO.
It really makes the figure look like Brad Pitt as Achilles. If you're good at painting, you might try painting the body, although the guy who worked on my figure only weathered it a bit with some oily stuff he uses for his tanks.

Anyone who has bought the figure (I did also) will NOT like these news.
A Mark II (YESSSS!!! you red it correctly) is coming!
I would like Pangaea or ACI to comment on these news, why it was not made like this in the 1st place
and if anyone (like me) who already bought the Mark I??? will get the new outfit for free as with the helmet.
If not I am done buying any more of their figures.