Yeah, the impressions I've read of that demo were pretty positive. Thanks to the positional tracking, you can walk around and even crouch down and look at the rocks closer. The current fov of the area that actually renders images is apparently pretty small so that you still see a good deal of the real world around you which probably kills immersion a bit for an experience like the Mars demo. Thats where VR would likely win out, but AR has endless possibilities for gaming and work related applications. I see AR being more mainstream friendly with a device like this. If they can pull off that design that they're showing, I can see moms and grandpas using it and VR will have a hard time getting that market. I'm really excited to see where it all goes. Apple is working on something. ar or vr related..who knows what. Google and other companies have invested crazy money into Magic Leap which is an AR device similar to what MS has just shown with the HoloLens. Sony is still working hard on their vr device and Oculus will likely be releasing the Rift this year. The next year or so should be really interesting for technology.