Super Freak
Sounds like a great idea Jiminydog! certainly simpler than what I had in mind! 
Where be we on the issue of "toys" to accompany the series?Phasers and such? Any resolution yet?
Has anyone put any thought into the accessories yet? Do the Playmates figures have decent accessories? I know they came in 1/6 scale.
Playmates ST figure accessories are more like 1/5 scale; totally out of proportion.![]()
Has anyone put any thought into the accessories yet? Do the Playmates figures have decent accessories? I know they came in 1/6 scale.
Playmates ST figure accessories are more like 1/5 scale; totally out of proportion.![]()
The 12" accessories were waaay outta scale. But, if you get the 9" Trek, the accessories are just about dead on.
The 12" accessories were waaay outta scale. But, if you get the 9" Trek, the accessories are just about dead on.
BTW, is that the 9" Mego or did Playmate make 9" figures too?
How good do they look though? Are the detailed and accurate or do they look more toy-ish.
Gentlemen, I need some suggestion regarding the uniforms. As we know the TOS uniform collar has black trim. I have seen some trekkies' use a black inside crew neck t-shirt and use a tight and small v-neck tunic on the outside. The Black Inside T uniform is also used in the ST XI. Which one do your guys prefer?
Okay, guys. Being a HUGE "Trekker" or "Trekkie" nearly my entire life, I've collected the original 8" Mego Star Trek crew in 1975 (I still have them, and in great condition!), most of the 9" Playmates TOS crew (their gear MAY work for 1:6 scale), and all of the 12" Playmates TOS crew, except Uhura. I still want to get her. Their gear is too big for 1:6 scale. It is true. As it was said earlier in this thread, the Playmates 12" Star Trek weapons would likely work for 1:5 scale figures. So after seeing SciFiMetropolis' great head sculpts last year, I was hoping those were be the next 1:6 scale figures to be made. I guess not.
Now that I've seen that Chris Howes is involved in this project...I AM INTERESTED! I want a set of the "big three" of Kirk, Spock and McCoy from the original Star Trek series in their younger glory days. Yeah, I'm interested in accurate Starfleet uniforms for them too. I know we're in good hands with Chris for the head sculpts of the big three.
I'll look into ordering the uniforms soon too. So, please put my name down for one Kirk, one Spock, and one Dr. McCoy unpainted, drilled neck post head sculpts.
I'm in....
"Live Long And Prosper"!
Mike Buckley
OK, here's that old TOS Andorian head sculpt I promised.
He was 90% done...... Now he's about 80% done!!
I really went back and totally reworked him. I realized just how dissatisfied I was with him so he got a total make over. Now he looks like what I wanted in the first place!!
I just need to clean up his hair and neck and finish resculpting and refining his antennae which are in a clunky rough stage, as you can see. But you get the idea!
I'm going to finish him up over the weekend and pour a mold on him. I'll go ahead and charge the precast discount of only $20.00 until the others are done.
Standard deal, $20.00 per unpainted resin cast, $5.00 to drill the neck, $5.00 US shipping, $7.00 foreign shipping for up to 4 castings. My PayPal address is [email protected].
I'll post a new thread just for him later, but you can order him now if you want by sending an order email to [email protected] with the subject, "Andorian" listing the following info:
1) Real Name
2) Screen Name
3) Shipping Address
4) Quantity of Heads
5) Neck Drilled, Y or N
6) Painted by Kuato, Y or N
I'll check with Kuato about painting to make sure, but our usual deal is he will grant a discount price of $30.00 for the first 10 heads, $45.00 thereafter plus shipping. If you opt for Kuato to paint then ONLY PAY SHIPPING TO HIM! That way I can send a large shipment of many heads at once to Kuato directly, then he will ship them as they are finished to you charging you only one shipping charge.
Here he is:
I like it.