Green Lantern - 6.8/10
I wanted to love it but there was simply not enough GL action.
The opening with Hal and his Dad was too corny and predictable, really hated that, the romance plot took up too much time and Hector Hammond and his daddy issues were boring and also took up too much time.
Ryan Reynolds was good in the role, Blake Lively was smokin hot, Mark Strong was good as sinestro and the guy who plyed Hector Hammond was just odd.
The Parallax Villain was decent enough but the Hector Hammond guy sucked, he was just a lame loser character.
The effects were cool and the GL action with the constructs were great and the costume and characters design of the Oa residents was fantastic.
While a Sequel seems unlikely i'd like to see Ryan and Mark back in their roles and see some proper Green Lantern Corps action and character development go on with good hand to hand fights.
IMO the Animated First Flight movie was superior and if they had simply made that in live-action it would've been excellent.
I't rate it fair, not bad, certainly not the worst superhero movie but not as good as it could've been.
Despite the movie the HT figure would've

ed so hard