Ghostbusters (2016) - 2.5/10
Had a free redbox rental expiring tomorrow and my soon to be 8 year old daughter asked to see this, she loves the Original and is even dressing as a Ghostbuster this Halloween. Expected to not like it, but didn't want to sour her milk before she had a chance to drink it for herself, she made it halfway through before deciding she'd rather just go to bed. My OCD made me continue to watch it...
I didn't find anything in this movie to be funny, I didn't laugh once. I did think the mannequin scene was briefly entertaining and liked the Jaws reference, but that is it. I didn't hate Leslie Jones as much as I thought I would, that honor goes to Kate McKinnon, I despised every second she was on screen. The writing is terrible, they obviously spent a lot of money on this movie, even though the aesthetic of the FX are terrible, I'm sure it still cost a good deal of money. Next time, spend that money on good writers, though I really hope there is no next time, but Sony doesn't know when to quit so there probably will be.
I didn't go in with an open mind, but I hoped it might win me over. In the end, I just hated it even more than I thought I would.
For those who enjoyed this movie, I beg of you, please put down the crack pipe.