RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Blade Runner 2/10

I didn't understand a hell of a lot that was going on in this film. I understood the Replicants and who was one and the purpose of the Blade Runner. But then it all just didn't make any sense. I couldn't figure out what each person's goal was or what the hell they were doing. The replicants wanted to extend their lives? Is that it?

I have to rate a movie as bad if I finish it and just go "HUH?" and I tried my damndest to understand this movie.

I think it would have been a lot better had he had to hunt down these Replicants and there been some cool gun fights and chase scenes. We kind have got teased with that in some parts but it never delivered or anything.

The whole end part with Roy just had me really confused as to what the hell was happening.

Maybe I should re-watch this? I don't get it at all. And people praise this movie?


You reallllllyyy need to watch that movie again and pay very close attention. Its a masterpiece. :D
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Maybe I should re-watch this? I don't get it at all. And people praise this movie?

Maybe you should try reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phllip K. ????. It's the novel the film is based on and may help you to better understand the motivations of the androids.

Blade Runner seems to be one of those love it or hate it films. Personally, I think it's brilliant, but I know plenty of people find the pace too slow.

EDIT- Are you kidding me?! D-i-c-k is censored? What are we, 5 year olds?
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Runner is my third fav. movie of all time, but I can see why others might not like it. It can be somewhat confusing I suppose but there's no denying that it's visually amazing.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I haven't seen Blade Runner yet. :eek:

Just make sure when you do it's the Final Cut.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Well I watched the theatrical version. Should I have watched the Directors Cut instead?

The most prominent thing in the Final Cut is the missing voice over bs, which the producers made Scott put in to "explain" things. Also the ending is different. Should you choose to watch it again definitely see the FC version. Like ObsoleteMan said it's the definitive version.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Thought Godzilla Tokyo SOS was pretty good. What are you most recommended Godzilla movies? The first one ofcourse is brilliant, but what other entries did you enjoy?

Yeah, the first is amazing. I really don't have favorites after that... although 1985 always holds a special place. I just love that even though the new ones look much nicer... they really don't deviate from the old formula :rock

Assault on Precinct 13
Fun movie, one I've heard of but never actually got around to watching.

Mutant Chronicles 6/10
Enjoyable, but also had a very SciFi movie feel to it. Story was good and the atmosphere was well done. Didn't really care for the design of the mutants, they were kind of lame.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yes Alien is better than Aliens, why? :tap

:lol I actually probably prefer Alien too.
I just find the characters alot cooler in Aliens.

I asked if you both like Alien because somehow although there both not the exact same genre somehow ( probably because of Ridley's directing ) I've always found the atmosphere of them both the same almost.
If that makes sense...:eek::lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

There is no question that the atmosphere of Alien is similar to Blade Runner. As is the pacing.

Aliens is hard to compare with Alien since they are vastly different films. Both are simply fantastic though. I will die happy when Alien and Aliens come out in Blu-ray.