Resident Evil: Retribution

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Isn't money the only reason sequels even existed? If the first movie made decent money, then the sequel might make some too.

With so much crappy movies these days (those ____ vampire movies, the latest Adan Sandlers shi*fest,...) I am glad we still have some straight on action movies.

The 80s are full of them (0 plot, mainly driven by star power and generous use of explosives) and yet everyone is looking back at them with rose tinted glasses.

It's been said for almost every sequels but haters can get out of this thread if they despite this movie so much.

I always enjoyed them for what they are and they don't pretend to be anything more than a movie with a pretty star and decent action.

but that is such a Cope out
I hear it every time there is a crappy movie I hear ( is not meant to be citizen Kane) or like you said "is a fun action flick like they did in the 80's

but at least some of those action flicks from the 80's were entertaining and non stop cool action, Resident Evil 4 was Boring, at least 80's movies that didn't have a plot there was someone either getting their ass kicked or someone being shot every so often, RE4, there was some action at the end, but, there was so much pointless talking, so many stupid ideas, the movie kept dragging, I liked the characters, but, the movie took too long on pointless scenes, it just felt boring, I just didn't enjoy it, watching it felt like a chore, like, since I saw the other 3, I might as well just watch the 4th one,

I hate to sound like a hater, I'm not, I will watch this movie, I watched all 4 RE movies, and I like mindless action movies, I just hate when either they have really terrible CGI, or they are boring as hell, or the fights look too fake, like Ultraviolet.

Ill end my rant there, but, yeah mindless dumb action movies are good, they are cool to watch, it just depends, but, some movies are just bad, like RE4
I think they think their opinion matters or we care. Lol

Or they really LOVE these films! Or....

Be honest . Its ok to like them but you must admit they arent that good. They arent good. You gotta understand why people hate them. Action movies sell so of course these movies make bank but that doesnt make the movie great. I mean come on how many is milla willing to make she would be better off in a movie of Bayonetta or in devil may cry. Each movie trys to mimic the matrix and for what..... im sorry I promised my self I wouldnt do this


for me I just dont seek out movie or figure threads that I don't like or care about. If you don't like something why even bother posting in it? Do people feel better about themselves when they hate on something? Its like i don't like and never will see the movie Titanic. But I don't seek out Titanic threads or blogs just to bash on it. And if I saw a Titanic thread on here I wouldn't even bother clicking on it, and I don't need to waste my time hating on it. Not worth it.

well..... you don't see me posting in the Avatar Thread or the Star wars Threads....:pfft:

I love the first and second Resident evil, I saw the 3rd one because I like the other two, I got robbed, I saw the 4th one because I had to at this point,
I played the games, I mean, sure if you don't like it dont post about it and don't say anything, but then what's the point of having a forum then?
do I have to lie about it? and I didn't wanted to hate on RE movies, I still have a small hope this movie will prove me wrong about Anderson and it will be good,

I guess is a mixture of: Being a fan of the games, Being a fan of the first movie, being cheated with watching a really bad RE movie and a hope that this one doesn't suck as much

at the end of the day nothing anyone says online really matters besides to the people reading these posts, so I guess we post to have interesting conversations with each other......:wink1:
Be honest . Its ok to like them but you must admit they arent that good. They arent good. You gotta understand why people hate them. Action movies sell so of course these movies make bank but that doesnt make the movie great. I mean come on how many is milla willing to make she would be better off in a movie of Bayonetta or in devil may cry. Each movie trys to mimic the matrix and for what..... im sorry I promised my self I wouldnt do this

You want to know what is a bad movie? Human Centipede or any Rob Schneider movie.
ill respectfully disagree :) Im a new RE fan and I've only seen so far RE1 & RE2 and i like them!! They aren't masterpieces by any means but they are entertaining and fun, and I like seeing Milla kick a$$. ive always been a fan of Milla. I try to see any movie shes in. I think shes gorgeous so i have no problems watching any movie with her :) And I like the story and the characters of RE.

if you've only seen RE1 and RE2 You saw the GOOD ones!!! :gah:
RE4, to me was crap..... lol

No thats cool, i wasnt saying this to anyone in particular on here. Just in general i see people in threads that never liked or cared about the movie or figures, but they jump in on conversations hating and going on rants and making fun of people who like something.

But you were a fan of RE, and your just disappointed on the other movies so far. Thats cool....

And its fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course. But me, I just dont seek out threads that I dont care about. But I notice other people do and their only purpose is to hate and bully others in those threads...thats what i don't like.

I guess I said that because I tend to post what I hate about something, don't mean to hate, I figure if I pay to watch some ____ty movie I have some right to talk about it lol, what I do hate is when someone talks about a show they have never even seen LOL, like when someone here was bashing The Expendables without even watching it first haha:lol
yes, thats what i mean. people bash on something they know nothing about, very annoying.

Been a fan of RE since 1996, have seen every movie upon first release. As a true RE fan, it will always be Games > Movies. I loved the first RE movie, but disliked every subsequent one after that, and they each got worse and worse. Oh well, not like the games are getting any better either these days. All I have is my nostalgia :thud:
yes, thats what i mean. people bash on something they know nothing about, very annoying.

funny a friend of mine likes #4 the best. i just bought #3 the other day and hope to watch it this week.

the trailer of the new one looks good though. The effects have gotten much better since 1&2. milla's fight scenes were a little off say in #2, so im hoping the choreography gets better. but still didnt take anything away from me enjoying them. i know these arent like works of art oscar winning movies. they arent supposed to be. they are just fun :)

well to be fair I admit I liked the look for RE4, it looked a lot better than RE3, a lot "prettier" I Loved, Loved the music of RE4, Specially a Remixed song they used, and I liked some of the action
but most of the movie nothing is really going on, what should have taken 2-5 minutes took 10 to 15 minutes, like explaining things, stuff like that,
RE4 felt like it had a lot of filler scenes in it,

Been a fan of RE since 1996, have seen every movie upon first release. As a true RE fan, it will always be Games > Movies. I loved the first RE movie, but disliked every subsequent one after that, and they each got worse and worse. Oh well, not like the games are getting any better either these days. All I have is my nostalgia :thud:

I liked Nemesis game a lot, is my favorite of the earlier games in fact, I was not as happy with RE2, but Nemesis and Jill, my favorites :love
I'm just gonna say that when I hear the name resident evil a fun action movie doesn't come to mind. Leave it at that
I'm just gonna say that when I hear the name resident evil a fun action movie doesn't come to mind. Leave it at that

Far from it. First thing I think of is STARS, RPD, Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire, Ada, Wesker, Barry, Rebecca, HUNK, the dimly lit hallways, the creepy atmosphere/music, how the shield key was only used once, ink ribbons, the horror of hunters when returning to the mansion...on and on! I don't even think of the movies! :lecture
Infact, sod it. Not going to waste my time coming in this thread any more. Same guys whinging about how bad the movies are. You never get anything new to discuss.
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Sorry that I came on here and insulted these masterpieces of cinema. I guess I had no right to air my opinion on these films? I will go back to the Star Wars, Twilight, Avatar, and Indiana Jones threads where you are free to type what you want.
The thread just gets derailed with the same discussions. I don't see a point posting the same opinions that we've heard so many times.
I'm not dissing the people that like it, good for them. However, when someone in a position of power (Paul Anderson) takes a beloved franchise of mine, craps all over it, and people prefer the turd over the jewel underneath it, it's unsettling!

However, at this point, the movies are a completely different entity. As long as no one claims the movies are better than the games, I have no reason to complain. Once someone does, you will see me strike down something fierce!
I'm not dissing the people that like it, good for them. However, when someone in a position of power (Paul Anderson) takes a beloved franchise of mine, craps all over it, and people prefer the turd over the jewel underneath it, it's unsettling!

However, at this point, the movies are a completely different entity. As long as no one claims the movies are better than the games, I have no reason to complain. Once someone does, you will see me strike down something fierce!

I know that's fine. :) It's okay to hate them or dislike them, but we've heard it before it's not like you're the first person to bring it up. Just think of it if someone who hated the games when into the RE games thread bashing the games every day when we know that person hates the games. But I guess anyone can post what they want. :dunno

No one has said that. LOL I'm a fan of the games as well. I like the movies, too.

It just get's tiring seeing the same discussions over.... and over...
Yup capcom is def the blame actually. Alice was supposed to be jill but they didnt have the rights to her yet. Atleast i dont think sony did.
nice! yah ill let you know my thoughts once i see #3&4. im torn which i liked better 1 or 2 so far. i liked things from both. i liked Jill a lot in #2 and she was pretty bad a$$ and she was tough with an edge to her. But i liked a lot of the background story in #1 about alice where she didnt know who she was and shes trying to figure it all out. and it was more of a sci-fi movie i thought.

I love the second one more because of Jill Honestly, she is my favorite RE character, and Sienna....Oh dear Lord, my god... so hot....
and Nemesis, I just love that all the action happens in the streets filled with zombies, I love the second one,

Far from it. First thing I think of is STARS, RPD, Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire, Ada, Wesker, Barry, Rebecca, HUNK, the dimly lit hallways, the creepy atmosphere/music, how the shield key was only used once, ink ribbons, the horror of hunters when returning to the mansion...on and on! I don't even think of the movies! :lecture

you know you described it perfectly just now.

yes exactly:goodpost:

As most of you RE fans know and with respect to PW Anderson, he stated he "really didnt want any tie-ins to the video game". This movie according to him was supposed to be originally called "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

Capcom in some ways is to blame because they had originally hired George Romero the RE game creator as director and screenplay writer, but they decided they didn't like Romero's script so they fired him. Romero said "Capcom wasnt into the spirit of the game and wanted to make more of a war movie." So Capcom really is to blame according to Romero the RE game creator.

And it sounded like Anderson didnt want the movie to tie into the game too much because usually game movies dont do very well.

So in the long run, they meshed Anderson's "Alice" idea into RE which for some just dont like it. And thats understandable. I think its hard to take an experience of a game and make it a movie. Really never works.

I always wondered about this, always... what would that have been like?
a Romero Resident Evil..., I remember reading in a magazine tha Capcom didn't like that Romero wanted the mansion to look gothic, that he was going to make the movie too dark like literally, :dunno

This was probably posted before but, I guess is worth looking at again,
a Romero Resident Evil 2 Commercial for the game,
Any of you guys read the George A. Romero script for Resident Evil? I remember reading it a long time ago.