Simply superb, menacing and scary too!! Just like Weta/SS RWOS statue, and the Gandalf LSB bust this one is destined for iconic status in my opinion!! Ordered!!
It's been almost 2 years since I ordered a Sideshow Lord of the Rings peice but I think I'm gonig to have to get this to add to my Ringwraith on Steed, Morgal Lord and Witch King statues!
It's okay. Not enamored with it. I don't care for the sawed-off look either, and I wonder, over the long term, how well the overall piece will hold up with just a small section attached to the base.
I'm passing. At this point, the only LS busts I'd be interested in would be Treebeard (because I missed out on the WETA version), and an Easterling (an underrated character with a fantastic costume design that would look good in any format).
I ordered one, I couldnt resist, I didnt really know about sideshow until a little while ago and now I am playing catch-up with all the cool pieces I missed when they originally came out.
I just got a treebeard in the mail last nite and I have to say, he is one of the coolest looking things Ive ever bought, the detail is totally amazing.
In full agreement with choopie on this one. I have RW on Steed on its far superior to this in every possible way. If I want to look at a ringwraith I can look at the entire thing and not some sawed off version.
Okay, I can see where you're coming from, Matt -- the Nazgul's position in the Sideshow piece is somewhat more reminiscent of the Weathertop scene, even though the only time you see one holding the Morgul Knife up like this is right before Frodo puts on the Ring. And we've seen how this particular pose was chosen to reflect the concurrent WiKi LSB. Still, the Sideshow version is much more spooky and ghoulish, despite the unfortunate waistline and not particularly appropriate base.
The GG bust is the only one of the three available (including the original SS/W piece) that actually wields a sword. And while this sword isn't perfectly proportioned -- unlike, say, the one on the ML statue -- and it doesn't resemble any particular scene, it is nicely balanced in the overall sculpt, and I'm quite pleased with it. In fact, I have yet to be disappointed in any of the GG LOTR busts, despite their general lack of popularity.