Anyway, I think I'll leave it at that. If some people don't like the film they don't like the film. I didn't like the prequels, I'm iffy about TFA...I didn't particularly like Avengers Age of Ultron^

One of the best moments from AoU.
so explain, if the two best parts of the flick were your least favorite, how is it a 8/10?
Nah SNIKT is being consistent, he gives 7's and 8's to his most hated films.
While their issues with it are valid and true,
Can't say I agree on that. Sites like RLM's top priority is to promote themselves and their own cleverness, not give an honest critique of a movie. If you post a review that simply states whether you liked or disliked various elements of a film then you fade into a lump RT percentage with all the other reviewers. But if you're scathing and hilarious, or claim that the best part of the movie actually ruins the movie well then you have people talking about YOUR article on other sites. Like now.
Now in defense of your specific opinion my own daughter agrees with you. As I mentioned earlier she ranked RO dead last of all SW films. When I asked why she said it was mostly that RO didn't "feel" like the other ones, she did NOT think the space battle was all that great ("seemed too much like the old battles") and when I said "but what about Vader??" her response was that "he looked like a guy in a plastic costume."

Was there a loud sound of a record scratching and everyone clearing the saloon when she said that? No, because I'm not a **** dad who demands that his kids agree with his preferences. I did laugh at the Vader comment and could only say, "well that's pretty much how he looked in the old movies too."
RO should receive a beneficial extended cut with additional backstory.
I respectfully disagree. I think some people are a little too "backstory" crazy in this day and age. The flashbacks with Jyn and Galen were poignant and well utilized. I don't need similar fare with the other team members. Again, think back to ALIENS. What did we know about *any* of the cast outside of Ripley? That the marines were badasses, that they'd been on at least one additional "bughunt," Hudson was 4 weeks from discharge, and that Frost got frisky with an Arcturian. And that's it. Everything else played out "in mission."
I'm not saying that extra character history would have been bad per se, in fact historical war dramas (like SPR) use it to great effect. But I think if a fantasy war film delves too deep in that regard it runs the very real risk of getting too bogged down or coming across as pretentious or trying too hard to be deep. In these types of films archetypes go a long way.
Why do they not make a movie where the character people want to see is in at least half the film?
I think that answer to that is obvious. But it's also further evidence that if RO was all about fan-service then nothing was stopping them from just making Vader every bit as prominent a villain as he was in ANH and ESB. They literally could have. Just as Abrams could have so easily found an excuse to cater to fan wishes of seeing Han, Luke, and Leia all together in the same scene again. But in both cases it seems that story really did come first and that fun fan moments were after thoughts inserted where and when they believed it would be most appropriate.