The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
I'm just watching RLM's review (I'm guessing it was already posted), they're hit and miss for me, but oh god, I'm starting to like the movie a little lessthat's why I never trust my reaction
they're pinpointing every gut feeling I had and every thing I noticed but didn't think about because I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt.
I was telling myself that maybe I missed some things but apparently not, a lot of people seem to point out the same things I was trying no to think about, and apparently it is that lackluster of a story and characters.

Just enjoy the fireworks, Vader, and all the

I liked when they mentioned the cast.
"Felicity Jones stars as Jyn Erso, Diego Luna stars as Cassian Andorian, Mob Lon Moore-pond stars as Groove On-do Pan, Plague Monfan Bond stars as Blamm Supperbot, and John Quinn Blabble starts as Orgloss Famblaken backpack"