Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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:lol :lol :lol

Which Ewok song do you prefer?

The original. It's cheesy but sounds more like an authentic ewok song. Plus it transitions into the end credits music better.

And Greedo must have been filmed at least in part prior to the Jabba scene because their encounter is mentioned in the conversation.
And Greedo must have been filmed at least in part prior to the Jabba scene because their encounter is mentioned in the conversation.

Yeah, I think Greedo got much more dialogue as a result of Lucas dropping the Jabba scene. He was originally just supposed to get "fried".

What is the original Ewok song anyway? Chub-chub.... I got a chub-chub... a chub-chub-chubbitty dub....
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I liked ROTJ:SE the best because the changes were the most subtly integrated in that one and didn't really call attention to themselves.

:lol :lol :lol

I think Jabba is worse. Besides looking awful, the dialogue is basically a repeat of what we just saw with Greedo. (for obvious reasons, since the Greedo scene was done as a replacement for that scene originally). Then you have the walk-over-tail bit which is an embarrassment for such a powerful gangster AND Han looks all wonky and digitized doing it. You have Han say "You're a wonderful human being" which makes no sense at all. Then, to top off the utter horror that was just witnessed, Lucas adds a cherry: Boba Fett gawking at the camera as if to say "I'll be back".

As a scene, it is a total disaster beyond what one would conceive if you wanted to sabotage Star Wars. It's genius for its idiocy.

And it spoils the Falcon reveal. Instead of the ship getting it's own moment it's just randomly in the background during the Jabba scene.

Nailed it - all of it - da cabinet minister, da whole business.

What i HATE about that stupid crap....was all the attention they put to the "Challenge" of Han walking behind the solution? Do a crazy complicated CGI trick that looks BAD....
When all they needed to do was cut away while Han was talking, to Boba Fett watching Han or something, then cut on would have noticed ot cared about him moving from left to right, and a short cutaway.

The scene would still be unnecessary but there'd at least be one less jarring aspect to it.

The thing about the Special Editions though, being that they were pre-PT, the new bits were the first new Star Wars since 1983. I wanted there to be new bits, I was excited about them. Obviously now I know better.
The original. It's cheesy but sounds more like an authentic ewok song. Plus it transitions into the end credits music better.

And Greedo must have been filmed at least in part prior to the Jabba scene because their encounter is mentioned in the conversation.

Maybe. Or it could have just been like the Ord Mandell thing or the nest of Gundarks, a reference to something never intended to be filmed. The difference being this one did end up being filmed when Lucas decided to drop the Jabba scene.
Maybe. Or it could have just been like the Ord Mandell thing or the nest of Gundarks, a reference to something never intended to be filmed. The difference being this one did end up being filmed when Lucas decided to drop the Jabba scene.

That was always one thing that I liked about the original films. They threw things out there and we just had to accept it. I didn't know what the hell a Gundark was, but I figured that looking strong enough to pull the ears off of one meant you were pretty strong. The original movies just threw that stuff out there and you were expected to keep up. There's this mystical Force that binds us and penetrates us? Cool. I don't need to know about mystic bacteria causing it.
That was always one thing that I liked about the original films. They threw things out there and we just had to accept it. I didn't know what the hell a Gundark was, but I figured that looking strong enough to pull the ears off of one meant you were pretty strong. The original movies just threw that stuff out there and you were expected to keep up. There's this mystical Force that binds us and penetrates us? Cool. I don't need to know about mystic bacteria causing it.

I loved that. When imagination was stirred by the thought of things unseen and unknown... In the first two films, there were so many mysteries: The Emperor, Jabba, Vader's past with Ben, Ord Mandell, Dantooine, Coruscant...

But now, the entire Skywalker universe has been explained to death... to the point that it keeps getting re-explained and changing...

... now, I'm just lost. My imagination is no longer stirred. Instead, my aggravation is peaked because of too much retconning.
What about Chewie's family? I knew there were other Wookies out there. He had to have a family somewhere. A son, a wife, and a father in law, and they had to have holidays. If only the original trilogy touched on this.
I loved that. When imagination was stirred by the thought of things unseen and unknown... In the first two films, there were so many mysteries: The Emperor, Jabba, Vader's past with Ben, Ord Mandell, Dantooine, Coruscant...

But now, the entire Skywalker universe has been explained to death... to the point that it keeps getting re-explained and changing...

... now, I'm just lost. My imagination is no longer stirred. Instead, my aggravation is peaked because of too much retconning.

Well now we get to see the Kessel run, how Han got the falcon, how he met Chewie. All fleshed out and made concrete and unmysterious.
Wow, I just had the epiphany that the battle droids were made to resemble the Geonosians! I'm sure I'm really late to the game on this one, so be gentle with me. :lol

The Trade Federation aliens were originally going to look like the Geonosians so that the Battle Droids were made in their image but I believe George abandoned the idea because he wasn't prepared to do yet another CG race in TPM. So he revisited the idea when making AOTC.
Well now we get to see the Kessel run, how Han got the falcon, how he met Chewie. All fleshed out and made concrete and unmysterious.

The one downside about Rogue One being such a success is that it will only encourage Disney to fill in all remaining blanks that had previously only been hinted at.
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