Freaked Out
They haven't, but hopefully soon! I'm actually customizing my own in the meantime, so that's what I was referring to.When did tamashii make a ssj2 goku?
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They haven't, but hopefully soon! I'm actually customizing my own in the meantime, so that's what I was referring to.When did tamashii make a ssj2 goku?
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They haven't, but hopefully soon! I'm actually customizing my own in the meantime, so that's what I was referring to.
I was actually thinking normal Goku would work well with the blue aura effect. Ultimate Gohan, too. They're base forms but no Super Saiyan yellow aura.
You know you're going to have to take that picture when you put that display together, right? Haha.
Wonder if we'll get this Goku?
Well they gotta do a Goku for db super...HAHA NO! But if they did it'd probably cost more because new sculpt. With the scarf, plus the jacket, and jacket arms.
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Well they gotta do a Goku for db super...
Wonder if we'll get this Goku?
All these Gokus and they refuse to do a SS2 version... I'm sorry it's Ascended Saiyan... ugh.
I also want ssj2 (*_*) i think its necessary. Would be awesome display normal goku goku ssj gokussj2 goku ssj3 goku ssj4 side by side(*_*) its my dream! (*_*)
It's so weird at this point...they could just literally re-use the SSJ body, not even repaint it and just give a new head sculpt and halo piece...All these Gokus and they refuse to do a SS2 version... I'm sorry it's Ascended Saiyan... ugh.
Yeah.. if we use Goku as a base, Piccolo is too small. Trunks next to Krillin also looks ugly, unfortunately.that image HavokBR.... its obvious how picollo is not scale! even krilin and even trunks! So sad seen that! <(