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He's just being witty to piss off the Stormtrooper accuracy police.

There is quite a difference compared to the site photos.

The stock photo paint looks outstanding, the display piece at SDCC on the other hand looks like crappy brown paint quickly splattered onto the figure. I'm on waitlist for this guy, but I may have to cancel (or just have him customized by someone who can make it look like the stock pic).
Paint apps aside, I still think this is a great looking figure.

Failed attempt at Hero style helmet+ being on a sandtrooper figure at that and looking like it rolled in baby feces= :slap:slap:slap three hard benny hill style slaps.
Well finances and lack of interest in the end dictated this guy got cut, along with Timber and a few other things. Finally gonna get serious about selling my Snake Eyes too, probably some other stuff. Time to downsize.
Are some of you guys new to SS or something? Jesus the protos 99% of the time never look like the final product. Sorry but i'm just used to it by now.(i don't like it either but that's SS for ya) So the ^^^^ing sand is different, it looks fine still and we'll all live. If you wanna ^^^^^ about paint goto the luke and han thread. NOW THAT warrarnts complaining!

This figure still looks great so far IMO.
Are some of you guys new to SS or something? Jesus the protos 99% of the time never look like the final product. Sorry but i'm just used to it by now.(i don't like it either but that's SS for ya) So the ^^^^ing sand is different, it looks fine still and we'll all live. If you wanna ^^^^^ about paint goto the luke and han thread. NOW THAT warrarnts complaining!

This figure still looks great so far IMO.

You tell 'em! Champ! *claps vigorously*
The close-up looks a little better. Looks like the flash is really washing out a lot of the minor detail, while making the dark spots stand out. That said, it's still--unfortunately--not what I was expecting. Hopefully we'll see some update shots from SSC before they ship.
Well, It will be fun to do the re-paint on this figure. That weathering just looks...I don't really know. It's not like the Sandtroopers managed to land in the only mud hole on Tattoine. I'm still getting him though.
I agree. These new pics make it look infinitely better.

You guys who are seeing poop ought to go more often. I think it's tinting your vision.

Well, it certainly does not look like sand lol...maybe cat litter and get it.