Super Freak
Keep thinking they should have a compartment to store water and have it come out of his helmet and base like a humidifier to generate steam.
That would ruin the paint really quickly.
I'm sorry, but after seeing the WIP pics it is confirmed that this piece is pure failure. Pink can not under any circumstance come into contact with The Dark Lord Sauron - even in the creative stages.
For those who can't identify sarcasm - I am only joking.
The sculpt looks epic. If the paint comes out as good as the sculpt, I am going to seriously have to figure out where to put this.
The unpainted version looks so cool. Why those glowing effects Sideshow, why?
Thanks once again abananafarmer...I love WIP stuff.
...this is one bad-*** piece.
This will be an easy although large repaint due to armout metallic gunmetal type paints if need be
Are you planning to repaint him or at least the orange
I have been saving my points for Sauron and I think I'm just over $300 right now with another $200-$300 pending. I can't wait to see in hand pics of this thing. By then i should have enough points to outright get it for free.