Well, to be fair to Ravaged, he did come to the PF thread to vent his PF concerns/frustrations. Even though the art print is supposed to form the basis of the PF's design, they are two separate matters; ie at this point in time, sideshow can always choose a different artistic interpretation if a large number of people are opposed to JV's artistic interpretation.
What I'll like to have here is an open discussion on this PF and to be able to hear the opinions of other potential buyers out there who may not necessarily be fans of JV's Sauron interpretation.
We all know that designers do read these boards. So if there are issues to be ironed out, now is the time.
NB: I think what we're also looking for is people to give constructive views rather than just tell us "oh man the pose sucks !!!!!,!!!1111!!!" and don't elaborate why.
FYI: JV I'm a big fan of yours... The actor-likeness of your paintings are crazy.