It's just my opinion, but I would doubt he'll be in the Neytiri price range. They're not pricing these based on scale (1/2, 1/4, etc.). They're pricing them based on overall statue size. And so far all the LSFs have been around three feet tall (including bases) even though they've been in a couple of different scales.
I think Neytiri, at $1,600, might be a little cheaper for a couple reasons. First, because she's so thin, that's a lot less material (I'll bet she probably ends up weighing close to half what Sauron will weigh). And secondly, didn't they put her up for pre-order before the LSF line was established? Didn't the Neytiri and Iron Man statues get grandfathered into this line after the fact? (I could be wrong about that. The memory starts to go when you get to be my age!

So maybe they put her up originally as an expensive Premium Format statue. Perhaps if they'd designed her
after the line started, she'd have been $2K as well. It's a possibility.
But I seriously don't understand the $2K thing at all.

I get that things are more expensive when you scale them up, but
six times? Seems like there's got to be something else going on here.
Maybe Sideshow is trying to appeal to a different kind of collector? Maybe this line is aimed more at "high rollers"? Folks who have plenty of cash and look at the high price as a status symbol. Heck, there are plenty of folks who buy sneakers, cars, designer clothing, etc. simply
because they're seen as expensive.

It's possible, I guess. I just can't think of another reason for that crazy price point.
Honestly, I
PRAY I'm wrong about the price.

Because I really want this Sauron and the only way that's going to happen is if he's
substantially cheaper. But it just doesn't seem to be the way Sideshow is aiming. But hey ... I don't have any inside info. Just this collector's read of the situation. For whatever that's worth!