Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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In exactly 1,971 years from today, Colonel Taylor, Lieutenant Stewart, Dodge, and Landon will crash-land onto the Planet of the Apes.

That makes today, the “pre-anniversary” of the sinking of the Icarus.
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IRON & KFOG - Any interest in going in with me to get ANG's ape wagon molded and cast? The more people we get involved the cheaper it will be.

I'm interested. I'd need a better idea of the final cost before I could firmly commit. After all, hundreds of dollars could buy so many apes and horses. As an afterthought of sorts, Angel, have you considered "blueprinting" the wagon. That may be an easier way for some to get a wagon made. It may be more convenient, or fun, to cut and assemble their own parts.
I think you made some very valid points Angel. These little projects all start off as a lot of fun. The process is rewarding but at points can be very tedious and repetitive.

The work you have put into this thing is remarkable and I think the price you are asking is more than fair. Unfortunately for me, I can't afford it at this time. I still have one son in college and that taps my financial resources more than you can imagine. You'll find out in the near future!

I remember when I asked you if you were to make another one from scratch for someone what you would charge. I guessed 2 thousand, not taking into account you could cast it. With all the work and materials and time, as I said before this price is more than fair to my thinking, It's just too much for me at this time.
Oh... As far as the blueprint route, If you sold them I think anyone buying them would be getting nothing. Blueprints really would be of little help. I don't think most people have the will to see this project through to completion and to the point you've brought it to! There is much skill and know how involved plus a lot of labor and time.
Hello All
Sorry about the absence. Time is so busy with me any more I hardly have time to get on here and write but I do lurke.

Angel, your customs are awesome: as always.

And for the record all, Angel is right: The jail cost me, if I remeber right, a little over $300.00. That doens't include shipping and all. And the case I got to put over it to keep it safe and dust free was over $300.00 also. So all expenses counted I have about $900.00 wraped up in the jail.

IRONMAN - Snick actually suggested that I make a model kit of the ape wagon that included all of the individual pieces to build it. Interested parties could then assemble their own ape wagon as a model kit.

I don't like that idea.

Here's why: I put an awful lot of labor and effort into this wagon. If I sold the pieces as a do-it-yourself kit, many people would certainly recast it and make copies. This was not a simple project for me. If I made these individual pieces, copies of them would be floating around and I would get absolutely nothing for all my efforts.

It’s a great idea on the surface Ironman; you certainly would save a little money… but just a little. I have way too much invested in this project to do this the way you are suggesting. I want a little something for all my efforts.

In addition, if I made copies of this wagon, I’d also have to make all the rubber silicone molds, build the mold boxes and then cast its many pieces in resin. Then I’d have to put it all together and ship it to those who pay for it. I’ve already provided estimates on the wagon. If you’re not interested because of the price, please build it yourself. By building it yourself, you’ll quickly learn the value of your own masterpiece.

I told this story once before, about 7 months ago, here on this thread. I put the Alpha Omega Bomb on eBay along with 3 Sideshow apes from CONQUEST. The highest price I offered was around $120.00 for the entire lot! (I can’t help but laugh at that!) The minimum bid I would have even considered was starting at $350.00.

Please ask the good DrZaius (here at SSF) what he paid for his Custom Mutant Jail Cell from Beneath the POTA. It was around $500…maybe more. I can’t remember now. I encourage you to inquire about the cost.

You want me to Blueprint the wagon? Why should I accrue these additional costs? Are you saying you want me to HIRE someone for YOU, so you can have blueprints? What do you think they’ll charge YOU? ($50? $100?) This is just too much extra work for me; I just want to glue this thing together and display it.

This wagon project is near completion, once it’s glued together, it will be 98% done.

If making the ape wagon were so much fun, why aren’t others building it? It’s really not that much fun Ironman. It’s very involved and time consuming. That’s why I’ve been resting from the ape wagon. Try building it from scratch and you’ll quickly understand. I sincerely wish I could have just paid a few hundred dollars for this rare ape wagon and saved myself an awful lot of work.

Think about this. It is expensive. But that is the cost. I have the old receipt from LOWES in front of me for the poplar, glue and nails that were used in the making of this wagon. That’s over $50.00 in materials right there! Then you have to get other supplies as well. Small hinges, sandpaper,wood putty, paint, and dowel rods. (I also hope the person building this has the correct tools or they’ll have to buy those as well! Ouch!) Don’t forget the apoxie, you’ll probably need some of that as well. I certainly required apoxie, and that’ll cost at least another $30.00 Speaking of apoxie, let’s talk about those wagon wheels. Those are really tough to locate, and chances are you’ll have to have them customized so that they’re the correct size. The unmodified wagon wheels that I bought on eBay cost me more than $50.00! Let’s see, that bill is already up to $140 plus. In addition, you’ll have to figure out all the dimensions and cuts. I’ve already done all this work for you.

Maybe you’re right Ironman. Maybe, it might be “more convenient, or fun, to cut and assemble” this yourself.

I’ve already made my offer and the price isn’t coming down. Please understand I don’t need to make, or sell these to anyone. I’m offering it as a convenience to you with very little profit for me. If you’d rather build one for yourself, I’d definitely encourage you to do that. You’ll quickly appreciate all that’s involved.

Do you recall that sculptor we discussed who charges $400 for just one custom made head! One little head!

I’m putting my wagon together sometime between Christmas and New Years because I’m on vacation during that time. You guys are running out of time. The opportunity will soon be gone. This offer will not be available too much longer. Please do not ask me to make nothing for my efforts.
I do like that jail Dr Z! I was always curious as to how much you had paid for it to be constructed.

I always wanted to make one of those also. My problem, as always is lack of space. Hopefully sometime in the future, I'll have the room for all the creative projects I've got rolling around in my brain. The jail is #2 on my list. #1 as always would be the Queensboro Plaza subway platform.
Hey Jungle
The jail is really big! I have a space problem also. That is why right now it isn't even displayed in my home. One day I would like to get smaller diorams made and display all of my Ape figures. I would love to display them at my local Library but I think they may think I was a nut if I came to them and said "Hey, can I display my Apes here?". But I bet they would let me display a Star Wars collection if I had it. Poor Planet of the Apes! They get no respect!

I do like that jail Dr Z! I was always curious as to how much you had paid for it to be constructed.

I always wanted to make one of those also. My problem, as always is lack of space. Hopefully sometime in the future, I'll have the room for all the creative projects I've got rolling around in my brain. The jail is #2 on my list. #1 as always would be the Queensboro Plaza subway platform.
DZ, I know how much the jail cost and am well aware of the cost of custom projects.
Angel, I didn't mean to offend you, belittle your work or set you off on such a tirade. My "blueprint" comment was meant simply towards something like: You'll need 14 8" x 0.5" x 0.5" pieces of wood for the side, a 14" x 18" piece for the bottom, etc. I know that the costs of these supplies also can run up to quite a bit, but it gives the option of making a resin wagon, or a wooden one. No disrespect was intended or meant towards you or the efforts that you put out. Sorry if you took it that way.
Hey Snick...

I found some time during time off at Thanksgiving and have completed the bottom half of the Nova costume for you. Now it's back to 6 day work weeks so I'll try to find the time to work on the top half. Please continue to be patient with me.

So far it looks great and I think you will be more than pleased

You will be surprised at how well Nova looks with proper animal skin attire. Wait and see!

Make that a 7 day work week. They just called and booked me for a Saturday shift.

No, Snick, I don't work in film. I'm in TV.
Ironman, where did you get the pic of Urko you use for your Avatar? I have never saw that one before.
Getting that mutant hat made was one of the problems I had with that figure. The jacket was another issue I had. Now that my seamstress has gone to the "great cloth store in the sky." I have to choose my projects carefully.

Hook us up with some pics of KOLP. I know that KFog and I would like to see him.
Ironman, where did you get the pic of Urko you use for your Avatar? I have never saw that one before.

I thought it was the photo from the POTA TV series trading cards... number #59. But it is slightly different. :confused:
I thought it was the photo from the POTA TV series trading cards... number #59. But it is slightly different. :confused:

I bet it was taken at the same time. The background is the same and Urko's face is lighter, as in card 59, than the actual TV show
ANG - A HUGE thank you is in order. The Battle chair has just arrived along with the LG head and two of those whistles. You did an outstanding job. I'm going to take a couple pix of Caesar chilling out in it. It will take a couple days to paint this behemoth.

Are you a sculptor by trade?

Anybody up for making an ape amplitheater? I'll trade you my Kolp figure. :lol

You're very welcome! It was a pleasure dealing with you and working on that Battle Chair. I'm glad you suggested it! I probably never would have done that one otherwise. No, I'm NOT a real sculptor. I’m just a guy who can fake it. Virgil was my first attempt at any kind of sculpting. I'm proud of him as a very first effort, but not his paint job. :(

Out of curiosity, what measurements would you guess a 1/6 scale amphitheater to be off the top of your head? I'll bet that amphitheater would have a base of 5 foot by 5 foot and stand 3-1/2 foot tall! HUGE!
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Here are some photos of Kolp, Caesar in his unpainted chair and an Ape Management guy.

C'mon Snick - you need to rotate that picture of Caesar, I'm getting to old and I'm not so flexible. Now I'm getting a neck cramp.

You "haired" him up!" He looks really good! I'd like to see some better pictures of him as time permits you.

Kolp's got a big head. Did you do that on purpose? :rotfl

I really like the idea of the Police/Ape Management guy from CONQUEST.:cool: