Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Sticks, I love the ambush scene. I can almost hear the leaves crunching underfoot of the gorillas.

I'm glad you enjoyed them Jessica. They were posted just for you.

My niece gave me a cold and now the congestion is really setting in. I'm going to have to go lay down for a while and hopefully catch up on some sleep. I'll check back in later tonight. :wave
The tribunal scene is looking good, Angel. I LOVE those chairs! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

Angel, I just saw the upclose and personal shots of the Battle chair from an earlier post. The paint job on that chair is phenomenal--it looks like you spent hours chipping that out of granite! Great work!

No need to repost them here, I went to the Star Wars section and checked them out. Very nice collection there. You dropped a wad of cash for them. That is the reason, although tempted, I never started collecting the Sideshow Star Wars line. There are just too many essential characters with too high of a price point, which would be a strain on any budget. Besides over the past few decades I've given too much of my hard earned cash to Mr. Lucas!

I agree that the SW universe is forever expanding and for die hard collectors that mere fact could be a nightmare. 1:6 collecting has been a hobby of mine for only ten years and I have become a lot more pickier than I used to be. My two big weaknesses are Sci-Fi and History. When I started collecting Cotswold Collectibles WWII were the only main thing around. Although all my older siblings owned G.I. Joes, I wasn't into them. When I moved here to Seattle and saw a Waffen SS soldier, I never looked back. I remeber when I first started talking to IM and he told me that he had anywhere from 600 to a 1000 figs, I said "wow, that's crazy." :pow It sure has a way of sneaking up on you. Anyways, after my accident, I needed something to fill the void. I looked at collecting as an short term small investment. I always figured that when I'm old and retired, I'd open up a little shop and sell these things. When SS came along with the POTA line, I moved away from the WWII figs. Their Civil War line is also one of my favorites. I do own all of their exclusive SW, and LOTR figs, but those are more toyish to me, and I simply store them for later gifts for my nephews, or nieces. So with the SW line, I'm sticking to the OT only and wont be getting any of the outside figures.

If I recall correctly SS' first 1:6 figure was a german WWI figure, and their Civil war figures.

Sorry if you've already seen this photo.

Some of the obscure figures like their French foreign legionaire have been able to bring me a little extra $, which allows me to continue with this hobby.
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After seeing that "Farmboy Luke" figure, I do have some regrets about not collecting Star Wars figures from the first film. The Old Ben, Luke, and Han figures from "A New Hope" (originally just called "Star Wars) have likenesses have been out of the park!

It seems that "Trevolver" has become Sideshow's master sculptor. I wish he had been around when the misfit Brent sculpt was made. Although I am thrilled Sideshow even bothered to do a Brent sculpt.
It seems that "Trevolver" has become Sideshow's master sculptor. I wish he had been around when the misfit Brent sculpt was made. Although I am thrilled Sideshow even bothered to do a Brent sculpt.

Of course, the Brent sculpt was off for a reason... no likeness right were secured for him. I doubt Trev could have done any better.

Boy, Trev is sure riding high on his recent Star Wars 12" portraits. Although from what I've seen, I still prefer Andy's PF sculpt of Tatooine Luke. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

I wonder if Andy could be coaxed into selling his original sculpt of Brent? :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

And I too wonder if Trev could be coaxed into sculpting custom stuff from the Whedonverse? :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5
I have no doubt that Trev could sculpt a better Brent. And, at the risk of re-opening old wounds, the likeness rights was the 2nd excuse given as to why the sculpt was off. Maybe someday we'll get a proper replacement.
Angel, I just saw the upclose and personal shots of the Battle chair from an earlier post. The paint job on that chair is phenomenal--it looks like you spent hours chipping that out of granite! Great work!


Thanks Jess. It took a few repaints to get the granite paint job right on that Battle chair. I use this rule of thumb. If something doesn't look right, it isn't right. Unfortunately, sometimes we can only get things close.
Hey Sticks - What is that fluorescent yellow stuff on your mutant robe?

Actually, I never knew what it was STICKS. Honest. I thought maybe they gladiators dumped acid on him.
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Here is a closeup of my Mego General Ursus. It's my first paint job as far as faces, and I tried very hard to emulate Ironman's ape (thank you very much for the closeup, Ironman. I know it helped me A LOT with this project). And a special thank you to Matt S. who helped me through the process. It's not really an "official portrait" but I wanted to show you the paint treatment. I kinda like it...but let me know what you think.


Sorry keep bringing up this Mego stuff, but I just noticed that in this closeup I took, the camera angle captures the intensity of his glare, and that the eyes follow you! Check it out...I can't believe I took this photo...(And that his eyes are both pointing in the same direction!!:D)

I need coffee...
I'm glad that YOU like the tribunal scene PZ. If you didn't like it, something would be seriously wrong with it... or you. Turns out, both are okay!


Please keep us updated with photos as the project progresses. :D

Of course, I know you will. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
Good morning Angel,

Hey, didn't you see the movie? :lol
It's Mutant Blood. :cool:

It's coffee time so I'll be back.

Sticks - I watched your movie about a dozen times! I never knew that was mutant blood. I thought maybe those gladiators dumped acid on him or something. Next time, help me out by putting a note on his chest that says, "Angel, this is mutant blood."

P.S. Where did you ever find that mutant blood? :confused: Do you have a mutant in your basement or something?:horror
Angel, I have a killer cold so I will most likely be off the computer today to rest. If you still need me to call at a later date just let me know and I'll get back in touch with you. I give you full approval over all of your artistic concerns and will cover all external costs that incur. I appreciate that you want me to wait until final cost is given and will pay promptly, I will however like to give you some funds by the end of next week so you're not taking a blow to your own wallet. I hope this will suffice.

I'll PM you my Number in case you really need to talk to me but if not I will surely check in tomorrow and answer any concerns you my have.

I am so congested that I can't think straight and my eyes are tearing. :(:sick


Sticks - I watched your movie about a dozen times! I never knew that was mutant blood. I thought maybe those gladiators dumped acid on him or something. Next time, help me out by putting a note on his chest that says, "Angel, this is mutant blood."

P.S. Where did you ever find that mutant blood? :confused: Do you have a mutant in your basement or something?:horror

Lol, I just signed in to report that I was sick, but it looks like you're here, so I'll stay on for now. :sick