Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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JJ, It's great to hear from you again. :D Angel and I were having some cartoon bubble fun the other night. :lol

Sticks - I think you and I are the only ones who enjoyed it. We didn't get many comments good or bad from the others here... and that's bad in my eyes. That's really bad. Either they stunk or we offended some folks. I think you and I really enjoyed the creative aspect of making the bubble cartoons 'cuz we where both getting tired and feeling silly.

I had a great time with you doing that, but I feel like it flopped with the others. I'm no comedian, but hey, I tried...

[To HELL with the moo-cow! It's funny to me, and me alone!] :rotfl
Angel, I love that new building you just posted...the one you said you never completed. That would be so very fun to play with. Can I come over and play?

I laughed at your thought bubble fights with Sticks...just didn't have anything to contribute.

Start them young, Angel. I waited until my eldest son turned 8 (the same age I was) when I first saw the apes films, before I showed him the Planet of the Apes. He's not really into the apes as much as my youngest, who was only two when he first set sight on the ape movies. I don't know what happened to my 2nd son, who refuses to have anything to do with the apes. I'm still working on converting him.

I am off today again. WOO HOO!! I dropped off the kids at school and I don't have to pick them up until before 6PM. :banana.

I am going to do some minor errands that need me to venture outdoors, but hopefully I will be back soon and fire up the sewing machine. I'll be blasting Planet of the Apes in the background for some nice mood music.
Just a heads up... A.Boyd Company is have a learance sale on a bunch of Sideshow figures and they currently have Cornelius, Zira and Dr. Zaius in stock for $15 each. They also have a George Lazenby Bond if you are looking to customize a Govenor Breck figure.

Here's the link:

Also, I'm still interested in hearing your reactions to the new Ape film. It sounds VERY strange and way WAY off the original idea. Here the info again:

Chud is reporting that 20th Century Fox has never considered making a direct sequel to Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes," but would still be interested in getting the franchise going again. This time, with a prequel, which would actually be a remake of the 1972 "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes."

The site goes on to describe the script, which is written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, and called "Genesis: Apes." Here is how the new film will go:

"In this version Caesar is the result of a genetic scientist fooling around with the nature of things. When the baby monkey (Caesar) exhibits intelligence and the ability to talk, he takes the cuddly thing home to his wife, who is unable to bear children. Things go surprisingly well for a number of years until Caesar grows up and sees mommy getting attacked. The dutiful son steps in and accidentally kills the attacker.

Here's where it takes off. Caesar ends up in custody at an Ape Conservatory where he and the other apes are abused mercilessly. Caesar finds himself a primate without a world - he's as smart as humans but will never be one of them (and is in fact tortured by them) and he's initially rejected by his monkey brethren.

You're on Caesar's side, understanding where this poor outcast is coming from. But then the script gets really ballsy and, just like in 'Conquest,' Caesar begins a campaign to unite the apes and overthrow human society. And his plan isn't a Martin Luther King Jr series of marches, speeches and sit ins - Caesar and his apes take to the streets violently."

Whether a movie like this can do well is anyone's guess. And for now, all we can do is guess, since Fox has been sitting on the "Genesis: Apes" script for a year and will likely keep sitting on it forever
BTW, it makes me very happy to hear from KFog and Jungle again. It's been so long since I've heard from them and I wish we heard more from each of them more often... Welcome back boys!

Hi Angel! You betcha Dude! This forum is full of good people and that is why I love it. Thanks to Ironman for starting it and thanks to you all for making things inspiring. It is fun and I will be writing more frequently of course! :banana

By the way, I voted today and feel great about it! :flag:flag:flag:woo:bounce:blissy
Just a heads up... A.Boyd Company is have a learance sale on a bunch of Sideshow figures and they currently have Cornelius, Zira and Dr. Zaius in stock for $15 each. They also have a George Lazenby Bond if you are looking to customize a Govenor Breck figure.

Here's the link:

Also, I'm still interested in hearing your reactions to the new Ape film. It sounds VERY strange and way WAY off the original idea. Here the info again:

Chud is reporting that 20th Century Fox has never considered making a direct sequel to Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes," but would still be interested in getting the franchise going again. This time, with a prequel, which would actually be a remake of the 1972 "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes."

The site goes on to describe the script, which is written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, and called "Genesis: Apes." Here is how the new film will go:

"In this version Caesar is the result of a genetic scientist fooling around with the nature of things. When the baby monkey (Caesar) exhibits intelligence and the ability to talk, he takes the cuddly thing home to his wife, who is unable to bear children. Things go surprisingly well for a number of years until Caesar grows up and sees mommy getting attacked. The dutiful son steps in and accidentally kills the attacker.

Here's where it takes off. Caesar ends up in custody at an Ape Conservatory where he and the other apes are abused mercilessly. Caesar finds himself a primate without a world - he's as smart as humans but will never be one of them (and is in fact tortured by them) and he's initially rejected by his monkey brethren.

You're on Caesar's side, understanding where this poor outcast is coming from. But then the script gets really ballsy and, just like in 'Conquest,' Caesar begins a campaign to unite the apes and overthrow human society. And his plan isn't a Martin Luther King Jr series of marches, speeches and sit ins - Caesar and his apes take to the streets violently."

Whether a movie like this can do well is anyone's guess. And for now, all we can do is guess, since Fox has been sitting on the "Genesis: Apes" script for a year and will likely keep sitting on it forever

20th Century Fox would really need an extremely talented actor to sell this new character of Caesar much the way that Maurice Evans and James Gregory sold Dr. Zaius and General Ursus. I don’t have the answers and I’m just rambling but it would also be very cool (to me) if somehow, someway, we saw “reflections” of Roddy in the new character of Caesar. I believe Roddy would want the new Caesar to be well represented on the new throne.
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20th Century Fox would really need an extremely talented actor to sell this new character of Caesar much the way that Maurice Evans and James Gregory sold Dr. Zaius and General Ursus. I don’t have the answers and I’m just rambling but it would also be very cool (to me) if somehow, someway, we saw “reflections” of Roddy in the new character of Caesar. I believe Roddy would want the new Caesar to be well represented.

I agree with both Jessica and Angel. The characters would have to be SOLID. The Burton film was a debacle that should be buried, that is part of the reason I don't want to speculate and get my hopes up high. When I saw the Burton film I was in Ocean Shores WA so my EX and I went to the Ocean after where I nearly cried. Why they even made that film I have no idea? :confused::confused: Did anyone even read the script??? They must've known. I hated the skin tight armor of the Gorillas and if they hated water so much why on earth would they back their army up to it and leave no escape route. The Battle scene was horrendous to. Oddly the one scene I liked the most, unlike most people I know, I liked the ending, because it was very much like the book. I guess no one in the theater read the book, because they were like, "Boo, come on ape fire fighters, and police, corny." But that's how they really were. It was later that they were made primitive do to budget restraint. Ramble, babble.:blah:blah:blah

So.... speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil....... I'll wait to see what happens. Another thing I think we all have active imaginations so, sometimes movies become very limiting because then we only get one person's perspective. I like my Apes running wild. :banana Just my little opinion.
What would I expect to see in the actor that takes over the throne of Caesar? Hmmmmm…

Let me state the obvious: Caesar was a larger than life character. Roddy McDowall elevated this character, making Caesar really shine in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.

Having said that, I believe 20th Century Fox would have to discover a really brilliant performer to “sell” our beloved Caesar in an extraordinary way. Heath Ledger really sold the Joker in Batman. I’ve never been a Batman fan, and I’m still not, but Heath Ledger was huge in his portrayal! “Genesis: Apes” would need this type of performer, without huge actors they should not even attempt a remake Conquest.

Some actors are just so riveting, it seems they have more than talent. I can’t help but think of all the wonderful actors that were in the Planet of the Apes movies. They were all chosen for their incredible abilities. They sounded, performed, and delivered all the goods in a HUGE way!

Just by hearing the voice of John Huston, I’d get shivers of excitement. He was brilliant in his narrations, and fortunately, he portrayed a very memorable character as the inspirational Lawgiver.

What others actors can give these type of deliveries?

Edward G. Robinson, Charlton Heston, Maurice Evans and James Gregory are all simply “classic”. They all had HUGE deliveries and very unique styles/voices. All of them were just really filled with incredible amounts of character.

Other actors with magnificent voices (whom I really like) are Anthony Hopkins, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. I’m not saying they all should be apes, but the next apes’ movie needs performers of this caliber to shine through the makeup. It should be more on the memorable performances, and a well-written script. NOT on the makeup.

That’s my two cents worth.:blah:blah:blah
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Oops! - I failed to mention Kim Hunter amongst all these talented actors. She was wonderful as Zira in all three films and also deserves praise. :angelsmil
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I agree with both Jessica and Angel. The characters would have to be SOLID. The Burton film was a debacle that should be buried, that is part of the reason I don't want to speculate and get my hopes up high. When I saw the Burton film I was in Ocean Shores WA so my EX and I went to the Ocean after where I nearly cried. Why they even made that film I have no idea? :confused::confused: Did anyone even read the script??? They must've known. I hated the skin tight armor of the Gorillas and if they hated water so much why on earth would they back their army up to it and leave no escape route. The Battle scene was horrendous to. Oddly the one scene I liked the most, unlike most people I know, I liked the ending, because it was very much like the book. I guess no one in the theater read the book, because they were like, "Boo, come on ape fire fighters, and police, corny." But that's how they really were. It was later that they were made primitive do to budget restraint. Ramble, babble.:blah:blah:blah

So.... speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil....... I'll wait to see what happens. Another thing I think we all have active imaginations so, sometimes movies become very limiting because then we only get one person's perspective. I like my Apes running wild. :banana Just my little opinion.

The coolest thing in Tim Burtons Planet of the Apes movie (to me) was "Calima". The apes spoke of "Calima" throughout the picture. Near the end of the movie, the camera very quickly panned over the dirty walls of the aging spacecraft. The only letters exposed on the wall were "Ca", "li", and "ma".

Mark Wahlberg wiped off the dirt in one quick motion exposing the words "Caged Live Animals". I really thought that was very clever. Unfortunately, it happened so quickly, I think most people missed it.
The coolest thing in Tim Burtons Planet of the Apes movie (to me) was "Calima". The apes spoke of "Calima" throughout the picture. Near the end of the movie, the camera very quickly panned over the dirty walls of the aging spacecraft. The only letters exposed on the wall were "Ca", "li", and "ma".

Mark Wahlberg wiped off the dirt in one quick motion exposing the words "Caged Live Animals". I really thought that was very clever. Unfortunately, it happened so quickly, I think most people missed it.

Unfortunately, that was the only good or smart thing about that movie. :monkey1Everything else SUCKED eggs. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4I really hated the part where Wahlberg was running around and it seemed like everybody lived in one big tree house. It was pretty stupid. I don't know how many years I waited for that movie to happen and then I was horribly disappointed. :monkey2:monkey2
Angel, I finished up Dr. Galen's apron. I just need to add snaps to it. I will try to work on the assistant's outfit tonight, or at least just start it.
I really liked Paul Giamatti's humor! He was the Orangutan jailor!:D

NOOOOO. That ruined it for me too. Was he the one that said the Rodney King line. "Can't we all just get along?" Come on! No place for that in a film.... Sorry Kfog, I love ya man but bad call. :lol
I like the Idea of our government looking to create super troopers and cloning gorillas for the strength until something goes horribly wrong and they escape, hell bent on destroy man as they were programed to do, by man.
About the 2001 abomination....the male makeup was great, but the females looked like Michael Jackson. I hated that. A lot. I still hate it. A lot.

If they do a remake, they better not goober up the makeup...
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By the way, I voted today and feel great about it! :flag:flag:flag:woo:bounce:blissy

Kfog, I did the same thing today, too. I filled out my absentee ballot in the kitchen and then drove it to a polling station, since I never filled it out early enough to mail out.

It's the first time I voted in...dare I say two decades?
About the 2001 abomination....the male makeup was great, but the females looked like Michael Jackson. I hated that. A lot. I still hate it. A lot.

If they do a remake, they better not goober up the makeup...

You can't fault Rick Baker's make-up on the females. He fought hard against the lipstick and eyebrows on the female chimpanzees.

Ultimately it was Tim Burton who made that decision.