Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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My husband asked when I was going to quit doing "this ape stuff"

Maniacal laughter spewed from within. :mwaha:mwaha

Yeah, I wanted to join in on some of the discussions, but I'm not big on introducing myself, and I haven't done that yet, I can't post until I do... or so it says...

Please announce yourself!! I would love to hear you chime in. It adds to the wonderful monkey chatter.
This is Lucius after I removed his nose. Doesn't he look so worried?

Here he is after a fresh nose job. After the Apoxie has dried, I will go back in and smooth out the rough area around his new nose and the left side of his muzzle.

The back of his head has a rough shape of the hair I will eventually sculpt on top. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but I am going to start building up his hair from the bottom and working my way up to the layers. Never sculpted curly hair before...but there's always a first time.
I have such an affinity for the chimpanzees. I hope that I sculpt Lucius well...

This is the next human I am going to sculpt on top of. I don't know which character yet. Maybe Julius, since this head is a little on the tiny side, too...and Julius was a pretty short guy.

Actually, I have Zaius and Cornelius on my desk at work. I study the way Matt did the sculpts, especially their noses throughout the day. Very similar on those two, and such great sculpts. I think that's what helped me figure out how to fix the nose on Lucius.
Hey all! If you're reading this then my IT guy has finally solved the glitch that has been preventing me from posting.

Jessica, your sculpting skills are coming on in leaps and bounds, keep it up! I'm afraid I don't have many images of Lucius - hopefully there are two attached which are all I have - I think with Lucius it's all in the hair, he's got something of an Elvis quiff going on :0)

Well done to all the artists on this forum. The future of Apes is in the hands of its fans and you're all doing a fine job.

Dave B
Dave, this is wonderful! I have never sculpted curly hair before, but a chimp's got to start somewhere!! I think you are right--it's really his hair that makes him so different from Cornelius. Bravo to your IT guy, I read you loud and clear!!
Here is the future Julius....

This is the beginnings of his nose:

And after some massaging:

That's it for the night. Time to wash off the Apoxie from my fingers and dream about my beloved apes...
Does anybody have any closeups of curly-haired 1/6 sculpts they could post? I would like to see how it's done. I'm going to dig out the pin-headed Ada sculpt that Ironman sent me (the Burke) so I can study how she did the curly hair...
Julius progress shots.
Attaching his lower muzzle...Perfect for holding a cigar:

In my haste to add hair (before Apoxie dried), I accidentally closed his lower jaw and "mushed it" grrrr....I tore it off and proceeded with the top of his hair
Also tried but failed to add curls to Lucius. I did some minor study on how to add curly hair to a sculpt (I so love the internet--you can learn lots of things!!), and it's too difficult with Apoxie. I am going to try the technique I "learned" tomorrow using sculpey.

Didn't want to waste the Apoxie, and proceeded with Dr. Milo. Before makeup and progress shots:


His current state, after lots of massaging:

For tools, I used a plastic needle used for sewing yarn and my favorite toothpicks.
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Very good Jess. You might need to move out of Central City and start your own colony with all these apes your bringing to life. :monkey5
Just kidding, never leave us.
I was really hoping to see someone from Sideshow stop in here, but I guess being the longest running front page thread doesn't garner anything these days. Doubt the moderators even check on us any longer. Anyone wanna curse and test that out? LOL
I think they don't moderate Central City anymore because there are only a handful of us here and we are never at war. We are peaceful creatures.
I don't know. As an aging gorilla I think I miss the old days. The war with the Kurgans, now they fought well, was invigorating. Perhaps it is time to storm the office of the filthy, human bastards that decided to revisit our planet in the wrong size!! :monkey4
I'd like to see more 1/6 APES figures, of course... but I do rather like the idea of POTA Premium Format figures/statues.

Hell, bring on some dioramas while you're at it! :rock
OK guys...there's a first time for everything!! I cut clay into strips and layered it onto his head, trying to make it look like "waves". I didn't really like the way it looked, so I dented "curls" in with my fingertips. This is also a newfound sculpting medium for me...air dry sculpey. It feels great to sculpt with, but it dries out too fast and I am not used to it.

So....I went back to good old Apoxie. I figured that it wasn't working last night because the Apoxie had not cured to the right consistency yet and was making one big mess. As crazy as this sounds, I will probably sand this all down again and start all over because to me the hair is too big. I was just raring to go and try out the technique I read about. And...the back of his head looks like I was trying too hard. I need to get myself a heavy-duty sanding block....


Here is how Dr. Milo's chin started out...I tried to cheat and make the teeth at the same time. You can't really see it now that it's all shaped up...I should have made the teeth bigger. Oh well...

I was wondering why I wasn't really happy with Julius...I figured it was his muzzle. It was too wide for the eyes, so I went at it with a file to slim it down. Before and after. I will go back and smooth out the areas of the muzzle tomorrow, after I whip up some more Apoxie. I also accidentally sanded a part of his left brow, but his appearance looks better overall to me.


Here he is with a new lower muzzle and more hair around his face. He is looking better. I still need to add hair to the back of his head and all around his new well as smooth the top part of his muzzle that I sanded off. He'll probably look better then.
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