Super Freak
As much as I love KOTCS, I have to say No No No NOo to a Mutt spin off
As much as I love KOTCS, I have to say No No No NOo to a Mutt spin off
Come on... how could you not want to see "Mutt Williams and the Death of a Franchise."![]()
Come on... how could you not want to see "Mutt Williams and the Death of a Franchise."![]()
Yeah. The film bored me to tears for much of its running time. And if it didn't bore me I found it difficult to enjoy the action because f>>>ing Marion kept grinning all the way through it!!
Yes, smile away while you endanger yours and your son's life by deliberately driving your vehicle off a cliff, somehow knowing that the big tree branch you land on will gently lower you to the ground safely. Look I know that ridiculous unsurvivable things happened in the previous films too but the characters generally didn't get themselves into these situations on purpose and giggle away as though they knew for a fact they were going to survive! It totally removes all sense of peril and therefore a viewer's investment in what they're watching when it seems even the characters know that they are in no danger of dying. Sorry, it was just a bad film.
Indy 5? How about an Indy 4 reboot.
Comments off of Cnn about Indy 5.
Mike June 18th, 2009 11:22 am ET
A 5th film would be fine IF it doesn’t have the lousy story that the 4th one had. That was awful and was nothing like the first 3. Either match them or don’t do it at all.
Jennifer June 18th, 2009 11:22 am ET
they should quit while they’re ahead!
ruben June 18th, 2009 11:23 am ET
find atlantis
kevin June 18th, 2009 11:24 am ET
“The horse is dead”…please stop beating it!
Joe Klemencic June 18th, 2009 11:25 am ET
No aliens, please.
AJ June 18th, 2009 11:25 am ET
I realize that Lucas Arts mints there own money at this point, but honestly I hope they don’t make another movie if it’s as trashy as Indy 4 was.
If they can get a story that is epic and actually worthwhile and engaging, it will be a fun movie. If they create another cg graphic orgy overtop of a lame storyline it will be another dissapointment.
It felt like they were competing with the Mummy franchise rather than making an Indy movie. Indy > Mummy
chris June 18th, 2009 11:26 am ET
Harrison Ford is about 100 years old. How about Indianna Jones and the Temple of Geriatrics.
Ramon Ryder June 18th, 2009 11:26 am ET
I’d rather be reserved with the memory of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” if the movie is going to be as bad and as the last one. Seriously Spielberg, Lucas what where you thinking?
Chris Wheatley June 18th, 2009 11:27 am ET
God no!!! For the love of all that is righteous and good! Lucas and Speilberg made Indy 4 into a giant cheesy roasted turkey. Whereas the previous films were far fetched nonsense at least the stunts looked real and not some obviously CGI enhanced fakeness. Nuked the fridge indeed.
Sean June 18th, 2009 11:28 am ET
This is a joke….right? The only good thing that could possibly come out of a new Indiana Jones movie would be the South Park episode that spoofs it.
PaulC June 18th, 2009 11:29 am ET
I thought the fourth, most recent movie was very dissappointing, leaving me with little faith that a fifth one will be any better. At this point, I’d rather they didn’t.
jim ferguson June 18th, 2009 11:30 am ET
Give it up guys the last one was awful
moe June 18th, 2009 11:31 am ET
as long as it’s not another “crystal skull”, it’s a good idea. but, and i’m sorry for those (notice i didnt say ‘to’) who liked it, but it was rediculous. it could have been good. was a decent story but the movie overall… sucked. It was worse than IJ: ToD… no wonder sean connery said no to it. awful…
Sean Boyd June 18th, 2009 11:31 am ET
I’d like to see Indy ride off into the sunset during the opening credits, followed by two hours of Lucas and Spielberg being horsewhipped for making such a lousy waste of celluloid as Crystal Skull.
Corey June 18th, 2009 11:32 am ET
I was underwhelmed by the last movie. It didn’t possess the same kind of mystery and wonder that the earlier ones did.
JTH June 18th, 2009 11:32 am ET
Please, no more. THe last one was sooooo bad. I just couldn’t stand it.
Chris June 18th, 2009 11:33 am ET
I’d like to see a return to genuine, realistic special effects, and not another load of the CGI dung that Lucas likes to churn out in his old age.
Dave June 18th, 2009 11:34 am ET
While I like Harrison Ford, and loved most of the Indy films…. that last one was an obvious stretch….. and I’m afraid a 5th one will just be making a movie to make a movie…
Leave well enough alone…. Don’t do what the Star Trek Franchise did
Sharon June 18th, 2009 11:34 am ET
GO INDY!!! And FAMILY!! How about “The Lost Dutchman Mine” or The Fountain of Youth with some Spanish gold”!!!!!! Or back to the beginning, how about all the “Treasure” Hitler stole in WWII?
Shawn June 18th, 2009 11:35 am ET
I’d happily see another, but please, no more alien related plot lines.
carolyn lee June 18th, 2009 11:36 am ET
I loved Harrison Ford in the previous Indiana Jones movies but, he needs to hang up his whip. The story line in the 4th installment was weak and his age really showed. Maybe in the 5th installment he can hand the mantle/whip and hat over to Shia LaBeouf even though the late River Phoenix would have been excellent as a replacement for Harrison Ford. Let Harrison Ford play the father figure to Shia LaBeouf in upcoming installments. I thought the 3rd installment with Sean Connery was great.
Nikto June 18th, 2009 11:37 am ET
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Prunes
NJ Reader June 18th, 2009 11:37 am ET
I haven’t seen Crystal Skull yet but haven’t heard the greatest comments about it. I’d love to see another Indy movie, as long as it has the same quality as the original ones. Loved those!!!!
I would never begrudge Harrison Ford doing what hes always done best in films. I certainly had no complaints about him in KOTCS. He didn't even look that old tbh.
JESUS! How many accounts does Irish have for CNN?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'm one of about 10 people total on here who aren't retarded with KOTCS hate.
I think you have me confused with someone else. I'm one of about 10 people total on here who aren't retarded with KOTCS hate.
Not hate Carl, there is a lot to love about KOTCS but I still feel as if the ball was dropped storywise. A lot of poor decisions were made at the expense of the overall film. It's just a mediocre film compared to the HOT TOYSnesslol) of the original trilogy.