SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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Form 3 attack.


End of the film, spoiler shot of the end of Godzilla's tail.

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That is absolutely sick!

Love the transition.

He goes from full Gamera to full Battleship Yamato in mere seconds. :lol

Good stuff, glad I was able to watch the movie in 35 clips. :lol
Yeah, his ray alters form and color as it intensifies, kind of a neat twist and actually gives a sense of power to it, where in the past it's always basically been one level so you never quite felt like is he putting more intensity to it or not.
Yeah great observation about the intensity, I agree.

I always get a kick when he uses his massively powerful atomic laser to take down a single helicopter!

Believe me I get it, I would use a 44 Magnum to kill a spider if I lived in Australia. :lol
:lol :lol :lol

That settles it. Jye lets take Blade and Riddick on a man date to go see this movie. I'll buy the movie tickets if Jye pays for RIDDICKS flight. Blade I'll buy you the large refillable popcorn :lecture

But we each have to go in a costume!

Biojex: Hedorah
Me: Hedorah jr aka Shin Godzilla
Riddick: Marilyn Manson dude from Gamera 3
Blade: Wesley Snipes
Just read a rumor Godzilla will get a Anime movie for 2017. Need confirmation, release the JYE and MaulFan!
Damn, Blade what happened to you? You used to be so happy and positive. Now you're grumpier than RIDDICK :lol

I'm excited for the anime, at least... probably because I haven't seen any footage from it yet.

I could get behind quite a few redesigns, but this just doesn't feel like Godzilla anymore. Legendary? Cool. Final Wars? Cool. Millenium? Cool. But turning what is really a mutated aquatic dinosaur (or a mutated aquatic dinosaur possessed by dead souls in the case of GMK) into some zombie-like beast with

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is too much of a stretch for me. It ceases to be what it originally was IMO. I'll still see it since I'd like to base my opinions off of a complete experience, but at best I'll consider it a standalone art-house film. A fan-made take on the story of Godzilla with many, many liberties. Like Emmerich's version if it were saturated with visual metaphors. That's the last I'll say at the risk of threadcrapping.

Blade I'll buy you the large refillable popcorn :lecture

Not really into popcorn, but...
