Thanks SilverStar17 & BagginsOfBagEnd!
Yep just trying to spice up my BW. Since AOU BW reuses the headsculpt of TWS BW, I'm considering adding loose props like the AOU tasers & lightning effects to 'update' my Black Widow. No need to purchase a AOU BW.
CW BW's suit seems close to TWS too, from what I see in BudgetStark's video.
yacobschlomo & MarvelZombie: Awesome collection photos!
Black Widow with her shirt zipped all the way up looks really cool!!! Would love to see more pics of her like this.
Yep just trying to spice up my BW. Since AOU BW reuses the headsculpt of TWS BW, I'm considering adding loose props like the AOU tasers & lightning effects to 'update' my Black Widow. No need to purchase a AOU BW.

CW BW's suit seems close to TWS too, from what I see in BudgetStark's video.

yacobschlomo & MarvelZombie: Awesome collection photos!