Super Freak
New set up for my Caps...
Love this display!!

Awesome group shot!

New set up for my Caps...
Ouch!No doubt! Paid 100 more a piece for AOU Cap and Iron Man...Impatience is ridiculous!!
You've got quiet a collection there supermarvel1!! Very awesome! You have AoU Captain America already?
What computer are you using? And mouse? I've found that the mouse makes a big difference in the east of the work. I've got two I use for my photoshop/3d/cad/prototype stuff. One is a pretty reasonable piece of tech. The other not so much. But I got it from one of my employers for a job otherwise I wouldn't have had it.
This is the more expensive tool. The other I can find a link to if anyone cares.
Geomagic Touch (formerly Geomagic Phantom Omni) Specifications
It's Hot Rod, supposedly the prototype for War Machine MK2 from Marvel background information although they used the Patriot 3d model for it as even in there own art books you can see the star on the chest.Ho ho ho ho ho... what's with the flame decor War Machine?!!!
Awesome MARVEL collection regardless.