Sideshow 1/6 Jango Fett

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I don't agree the prequels were better but I do agree ROTS was great, and in the same league as the OT. Unfortunately it gets unfairly lumped in with the rest of the PT (which I didn't mind but can understand the backlash).

I would love the final PT movie, ROTS, if not for one huge issue: Anakin turned into Vader cause he was having a bad Male PMS moment......! So, Jackson goes Jedi on the Emperor's ass, and Anakin has the biggest hissy fit the universe has ever seen? Ah no.

What would have been better: Padme dies halfway thru movie, after having twins, and is killed by the Emperor who makes it looks like she died from the direct inaction of the Jedi. Ultimate betrayal for Anakin after all that he had done. That would have justified his snapping and turning all evil
Anyone who think the prequels will just "go away" is deluding themselves. Disney is going to milk every bit of Star Wars they can squeeze from its purchase and you can take that to the banking clan.

Although the PT has its merits the original trilogy has much more heart. Say what you will about special effects, Special editions, slow story telling it's still the best trilogy. It had the best story, the greatest reveals, and the best group of people to portray that spark of fun we all went to see these movies for.

The PT is cannon according to George but to me it's like watching a reenactment of a documentary written about the histories that George wrote for the original storyline.
This is all subjective but the PT aint no OT. I can barely watch Phantom Menace, if at all, and AOTC is only mildly worth watching multiple times. ROTS is really good SW canon but it has very weak acting and the story could have been more solid.
It's easier to watch all 6 films if you treat them like legendary tales that have been handed down through the centuries, facts being lost, realizing the 'truth' (or cannon) is somewhere in between the lines.

...making peace with Thread Derailment feels just as liberating.
What would have been better: Padme dies halfway thru movie, after having twins, and is killed by the Emperor who makes it looks like she died from the direct inaction of the Jedi. Ultimate betrayal for Anakin after all that he had done. That would have justified his snapping and turning all evil

I like this idea.

I also like Matt's new avatar. Its mesmerizing.
ROTS was one of the worse perpetrators of the PT. It was ludicrous. The only good part was the final battle and Obi's "you were the chosen one!" speech.
On this figure's helmet...
Maybe there's a chance Sideshow will modify this a bit and not just re-use the mold from the Boba Fett figure. The bronze figure they produced has no cheek zit and features a closer authentic look compared to the one featured on this prototype. I'm still holding out hope for a change,

I hope so anyway... I really want this figure to it's been mentioned, this could be one of the last sixth scale visits to the prequels... so I hope it's a good one.
Dooku is lame. Him and Grievous are the worst characters in all of SW. As cool as Christopher Lee is he was absolutely horrid in those PT films. :lol
Dooku is lame. Him and Grievous are the worst characters in all of SW. As cool as Christopher Lee is he was absolutely horrid in those PT films. :lol

Dooku is lame. Him and Grievous are the worst characters in all of SW. As cool as Christopher Lee is he was absolutely horrid in those PT films. :lol

Yeah Christopher Lee rules but pretty much everyone sucks in the PT even though many of them are good actors. Got stuck with awful writing. Noone could deliver those embarrassing lines well. lol

Never thought I would see Darth Grandpa in a SW movie. Must've been a huge hit with the kids, who these movies are aimed at. Bye George! Cant wait for episode 7 since he was ousted.
..... Bye George! Cant wait for episode 7 since he was ousted.

Yeah...if a $4 billion+ payday qualifies as "ousting"....oust me please.
Love to see selective memory employed in discussions. Hilarious. :lol

What was this thread about again? Oh yeah...Sideshow's "Jango Fett"....