I don't agree the prequels were better but I do agree ROTS was great, and in the same league as the OT. Unfortunately it gets unfairly lumped in with the rest of the PT (which I didn't mind but can understand the backlash).
I would love the final PT movie, ROTS, if not for one huge issue: Anakin turned into Vader cause he was having a bad Male PMS moment......! So, Jackson goes Jedi on the Emperor's ass, and Anakin has the biggest hissy fit the universe has ever seen? Ah no.
What would have been better: Padme dies halfway thru movie, after having twins, and is killed by the Emperor who makes it looks like she died from the direct inaction of the Jedi. Ultimate betrayal for Anakin after all that he had done. That would have justified his snapping and turning all evil