Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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Trying to figure out if the set comes with 2 helmets and masks.

It comes with
  • A helmeted head with facemask (as one piece)
  • A helmet and facemask meant for the meditation chamber themed display base
  • Anakin Skywalker portrait head with breather mask revealed

Basically three "head sculpts" per say, a plethora of hands, tons of light up features, I can live with price tag. The baggy britches is bothersome but eh well, I grabbed the exclusive.
I am not too concerned about the baggy pants. We all know SS figures require futzing and can be made to look right. My only real concern is the material of his cape. I want it to lay correctly because Vader is all about the silhouette. The ANH version had horrible material and I could never get it to lay right. The pics they put up look decent so I am hopeful. Everything else I am okay with.
Trying to decide whether or not I want to preorder this or hold out for the inevitable Hot Toys Darth Vader; disappointed that it didn't have an LED lightsaber, but I think the price point is right on. Decisions, decisions...
Trying to decide whether or not I want to preorder this or hold out for the inevitable Hot Toys Darth Vader;

Never going to happen at any price. You can wait until your grand children have grand children of their own and you'll still be without a Vader.
It's a nay. But his belt, chest lights, helmet display, and base light up.

Ok cool - thanks; that actually works for me

Trying to decide whether or not I want to preorder this or hold out for the inevitable Hot Toys Darth Vader; disappointed that it didn't have an LED lightsaber, but I think the price point is right on. Decisions, decisions...

Not so sure on what timeframe 'inevitable' really is with HT
It comes with
  • A helmeted head with facemask (as one piece)
  • A helmet and facemask meant for the meditation chamber themed display base
  • Anakin Skywalker portrait head with breather mask revealed


Cool! Great idea for a separate display.
This image is directly from ESB:


Nice helmet no-neck.

He is leaning forward is he not?
Went for the exclusive...
If the gallery on the site is any indication, he should look good displayed with the HT Luke. He'll definitely look good displayed with Sideshow's Emperor from a while back.

The light up features on the chest and belt are cool, but I was hoping they would have included a light-up saber for this one too. I'm probably one of the few around here that likes the one that came with Padawan Kenobi. Heck, they could've gone with both options as far as I'm concerned.

While I appreciate the idea of mixing it up in the gallery a bit with how the figure is presented (the mutli-paneled pic showing off Vader's "gestures"-good, the added "lighting" effects-not so much), I miss the usual last shot showing everything laid out the comes with the figure. It's always pretty effective at showing the variety of gear and would really be effective here with this release being a "deluxe" one....and that shot could help alleviate some of the confusion some folks have had with what exactly the figure comes with. (Not that it isn't nice seeing Sideshow Alex pop in the thread with some clarification)

Looks like a good effort...seems like Sideshow acknowledged some of the "issues" folks had with the previous Vader release (for example, the figure's height) and are really giving this version a wider variety of display options with the additional portrait, the hands and the stand. And considering the fantastic work that cut-n-sew has done with materials and mixed media on the last few releases (Bossk, SnowTrooper, Padawan Kenobi, Tusken Raider all awesome)...I'm looking forward to thier work on this one.

It'll be cool to see how this one is coming along this summer at SDCC...

I sure hope there are other 1:6 scale SW offerings on the horizon as well...but a really well-rendered version of Vader is most welcome indeed...
Why would they make a Bespin Luke without plans on making a Vader to go with him?

Sideshow holds the license to SW. They sublet it to HT to make figures. Why would SSC make a Vader then turn right around and ask HT to make one?

IF it happens it won't be for a long time. Especially since HT is doing one SW figure per year, alternating between OT and PT.