Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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...My only real concern is the material of his cape. I want it to lay correctly because Vader is all about the silhouette.....

Fingers crossed Sideshow has the same good fortune in finding material for Vader's cape that they did for young Kenobi's cloak....that thing just hangs and postions great on that's hoping that Vader's cape does too...
Vader looks ghetto with those baggy pants. SS should stop the 1/6 line and let HT take over. Easy Pass.
Yeah, the body does seem to be a bit too slim. But I think Sideshow is thinking with a dynamic figure people prolly want dynamic poses. If the body suit is tight, you won't get those dynamic poses.

While that's probably the case, they can find a better middle ground than this. The first Vader posed just fine and I never recall it looking baggy.

It comes with
  • A helmeted head with facemask (as one piece)
  • A helmet and facemask meant for the meditation chamber themed display base
  • Anakin Skywalker portrait head with breather mask revealed


Thanks Alex, any chance the gallery will be updated with one picture showing all of the accessories? Seems mist now have this which helps reduce confusion.
I think everyone saying his suit is too baggy is confusing his movie appearence with this one.


Keep the suit baggy. WE need Vader to be able to take more poses and stances in the legs than not toys batman.
While I appreciate the idea of mixing it up in the gallery a bit with how the figure is presented (the mutli-paneled pic showing off Vader's "gestures"-good, the added "lighting" effects-not so much), I miss the usual last shot showing everything laid out the comes with the figure. It's always pretty effective at showing the variety of gear and would really be effective here with this release being a "deluxe" one....and that shot could help alleviate some of the confusion some folks have had with what exactly the figure comes with. (Not that it isn't nice seeing Sideshow Alex pop in the thread with some clarification)

...any chance the gallery will be updated with one picture showing all of the accessories? Seems mist now have this which helps reduce confusion.

Is there a echo in here or do great minds think alike? (I kid, I kid...)
Do miss that "all in one " shot....
Vader looks ghetto with those baggy pants. SS should stop the 1/6 line and let HT take over. Easy Pass.

I take it you ever fight anyone with pants that went up your butt. You know how hard it is to do a round house kick with them on? I don't but I know others that would never get in a ring or a fight without baggy pants.

Nick-pick....Go to wal-wart
Why would they make a Bespin Luke without plans on making a Vader to go with him?

Comments like this make me question the intelligence of many of the members here. And make me want to slam my head into the wall over and over again. Are people really this dense or just taking the piss?
PASS! Looks nothing like Sebastian Shaw/ Anakin. I wanted an ESB/ROTJ Vader but we got an 'idealized' Vader instead. Not cool.
THE PRICE :thud:

Episode IV Vader was $125.00, this is $125 MORE.

I know time has passed, but so has my desire to own this.

It HAS to :)lol should) look perfect for $250.

Perspective: this or another $100 for Mythos...hmmm?

used my reward points for this. Would not have paid full price for this. I think the baggy pants issue will be fixed. Not too excited about the sculpt.
I have to admit, I decided not to get onboard here.

It definitely covers all the bases for a "deluxe" Vader -- 3 sculpts, reveal, light-up boxes, etc -- it's just that I have so many Vaders at this point I'm gonna hold out for accuracy now.

Leia coudln't handle it

back on subject, why isn't a light up saber included? $150 figure has it, but $250 doesn't??? or did they realize no one cared?

Think they realised it was a massive misfire when it came down to the actual produced piece.
used my reward points for this. Would not have paid full price for this. I think the baggy pants issue will be fixed. Not too excited about the sculpt.
I take it you ever fight anyone with pants that went up your butt. You know how hard it is to do a round house kick with them on? I don't but I know others that would never get in a ring or a fight without baggy pants.

Nick-pick....Go to wal-wart

Agree. The "baggy pants/suit/whatever" is a GOOD thing. and even then, Find me an image of vader, standing relaxed in the OT with his suit Tight against his imagined "bulging muscles". you won't. the suit WAS somewhat loose is ROTJ, and ESB to allow for the acotr to move in it.

YES, it could fill it out a little more... but then the figure wouldn't be able to take the same poses the actor did.. becuase plastic is unforgiving, where flesh yields.

so what's the answer? Stuff the suit, if it REALLY bugs ya :D
Overall I'm pretty excited about this figure. Here are a few pics of the real deal.

Mmm...licorice suit.


Nice height comparison shot.

Bob Anderson-
