Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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Here's a close up for people to chew away at some more.
*Throws cow into Velociraptor Pit then runs*

Surprised that the Ex hasn't sold out by now. I know most figs have sold out more slowly than years past but this is "Vader" and the first one is selling for so much aftermarket...
Which is probably why Sideshow would prefer to make the money rather than let the flippers have it. Don't think the exclusive on this will sell out for weeks or months, sort of like HT did with Bespin Luke (believe that exclusive was up for about a year).

Here's a close up for people to chew away at some more.
*Throws cow into Velociraptor Pit then runs*

Lol. It's a nice sculpt but looks like an EU version of Vader, to me (if I didn't know better and the lower part of the mask was gone, I might actually think it was Malgus). Surprised that nobody seems to care at all that there is no likeness there... Not to bring up HT, again, but it's hard for me to believe that they wouldn't be getting blasted to bits if this was their sculpt.
I've wanted a darth vader since forever but was waiting for some definitive vader down the road, guess this will be it.
My 1st darth vader figure :yess:
Really need to get someone to make a vader LED saber for me.

No, you REALLY don't. they look like ***.

IF you're going to go to the cost and expense of having a custom saber made for your vader, you want a Cathode saber.

Becuase they look like this.

So Im sure with the number of pages this has, this has already been discussed but does anyone know which pants we are getting?

Or these?

The ribbing on the pants is clearly different - the spacing is wider on the 'hands on hips' photo.

Pretty sure they're not. Lighting + different pose makes it LOOK different, but I'm more or less convinced that it's the same.

Though it is possible I am mistaken. It would be nise to Have Alex come in and let us know for certain.

Surprised that the Ex hasn't sold out by now. I know most figs have sold out more slowly than years past but this is "Vader" and the first one is selling for so much aftermarket. Oh well, I bought one and now I need to clear out a detolf shelf for him and some guards or stormtroopers with him, or maybe Luke. How are others gonna display him?

New sideshow business model. He won't Sell out for MONTHS becuase he currently has no edition size. they'll take preorders for a while, and when tehy start to slow, they'll add a few hundred to the ones already ordered, and set THAT as the edition size.
This allows as many people as want him to be able to get one, and severly limits aftermarket scalping, as it generaly leaves a small number for "in-stock" sales.

Trust me, he is going to have a 2000+ units edition size on the Ex version ALONE.
Pretty sure they're not. Lighting + different pose makes it LOOK different, but I'm more or less convinced that it's the same.

Though it is possible I am mistaken. It would be nise to Have Alex come in and let us know for certain.
Look at the way the insides of the ribbing shine on the 'hands on hips' pic. It's clear there's a step & some depth in the pattern, & the ribbing is raised. The other pic shows 'stitched' ribbing. They're different pants. :)

Additionally - the 'hands on hips' pants, shine similarly to the shiny armour parts which immediately suggest a different material - it ain't just a lighting difference in the photos.
Yep, spotted this on the high res pics a while back, the "liquorice" pants seem to be moulded vinyl/plastic/rubber rather than fabric. The "seams" are heat pressed into them, and they look awful IMO.
Nice catch! :hi5:

Is that Bens?

That, or maybe Lukes ROTJ... although why he's holding a dueling one I can't say :huh

A full accessory shot may exist in the near future, yes! :)


Thanks, that would be great :duff

Damn is that a fine looking Vader... don't think there's a better one out there :lecture

So Im sure with the number of pages this has, this has already been discussed but does anyone know which pants we are getting?

I don't think it's been clarified... but if I were a bettnig man I'd say the darker/shiny ones w/o stitching. I assume the first pictures are probably the ANH suit, and the other ones the current one. Although, personally I'd prefer it the other way around.

Here's a close up for people to chew away at some more.
*Throws cow into Velociraptor Pit then runs*


I think it looks good... similar enough to what Shaw might have looked like w/o his features being smooshed into the humpty dumpty look we know and love.
Still HARD to tell. I see indentaitons that suggest stitching.. but I see no actual thread there for the sticthing.

Neeed some official word on this....

Hopefully Plastic belt obi-wan was not a hint of what wast to come... or i might just be done with sideshow star wars.
New sideshow business model. He won't Sell out for MONTHS becuase he currently has no edition size. they'll take preorders for a while, and when tehy start to slow, they'll add a few hundred to the ones already ordered, and set THAT as the edition size.
This allows as many people as want him to be able to get one, and severly limits aftermarket scalping, as it generaly leaves a small number for "in-stock" sales.

Trust me, he is going to have a 2000+ units edition size on the Ex version ALONE.

Interesting theory, lerath.

That said, I'm holding off ordering. I'm projecting three things all coming in at around the same time next year: this Vader, Tama R2, and Mark 42 Iron Man. I'm committed to getting the Tama R2, but I wouldn't be able to get both Vader and the Mark 42. I have the ANH Vader, and I have a few other Iron Men, so I can't truly justify either of the two--they're just variants.

So it will just boil down to whether I have some extra cash when the time comes, see which one is still available and which one is coming out first.
The Mythos Vader is 5000, so I would assume the 1/6 is going to be up there as well.
Which is probably why Sideshow would prefer to make the money rather than let the flippers have it. Don't think the exclusive on this will sell out for weeks or months, sort of like HT did with Bespin Luke (believe that exclusive was up for about a year).

Lol. It's a nice sculpt but looks like an EU version of Vader, to me (if I didn't know better and the lower part of the mask was gone, I might actually think it was Malgus). Surprised that nobody seems to care at all that there is no likeness there... Not to bring up HT, again, but it's hard for me to believe that they wouldn't be getting blasted to bits if this was their sculpt.

Your right but I think when it comes to Vader, the majority of the people will not display him with the mask off. At least I won't, so I can honestly careless what the HS looks like underneath the helmet.

I am confused to why they went all ROTJ on this now. I mean was it a last minute decision or did they always plan for this to be that version? I would imagine they should have went in order then. First ANH, then ESB and finally ROTJ. Seems to me that someone made a last minute judgment call on how to promote this figure.
Based on pics of the chest armor it looks more ESB to me. I thought ROTJ armor was supposed to be more silver between the black. To me this color seems more metallic gray.
I like the head sculpt - I'm looking to possibly display him unmasked I I can get a backdrop sorted.

Don't want him Looking wimpy.