Imagine the cajones required to make HT Chewy taller
I'm going to add some extra height to Chewie, make Luke shorter, and leave Han's height unchanged. I just really hope HT doesn't give us a (eposide IV) Leia sculpt that resembles Janet Reno... The SS Leia sculpt is just so weird, and she's a virtual pygmy in size. Hot Toys NEEDS to nail her, once and for all. (pardon the inadvertent sexual innuendo)
Can't remember who posted this photo, but it appears to determine that Sideshow's Han is the same height as a HT slim:
Hoth Luke would therefore be a good match for HT Bespin Luke. Han probably needs to be ported over onto a HT narrow shoulder (or similar knock-off), which will give a better relative height difference.
I sure wish we had a 1/6 TaunTaun thread to go with these figures.
That was me buddy, i will post another side by side when i get luke tommorow or thusday aswell
Stealth V3teran said:What happened to it? went to have a gander this morning and saw it closed, not like thee was any off track talk?
I sure wish we had a 1/6 TaunTaun thread to go with these figures.
Best scene from Frozen, IMO.
Did it reach the first marker?
I think I got confused somewhere along the the Exclusive hatless portrait head that comes with the BROWN jacket version the same as the hatless portrait that comes with the BLUE jacket version?
From the images I have seen so far of Luke and Han's headsculpts, they have no business being in the $200 price range.
Yes. As explained by Sideshow in 2013 (to try and make up for their earlier fumble in describing this set), the exclusive is the head and it's available with either a brown or blue coat.
IMO, they should have just had two versions, both with the second head. Brown coat available everywhere, blue coat only available from Sideshow. Done.
I thought the Blue coat was only available from Sideshow?