Soldier Story - 1/6 Ghostbusters Collectible Figures (1984 & 2016)

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Well if Hot Toys would get it right, I wouldn't have to pay $700 to Kato for custom socks. But I'll happily do that ****!!!!!! Wrong shade of pink on the socks = worthless POS figure. Right socks = holy grail of collecting more important to me than my house.

Until the v2 of the socks comes out which corrected for the color imbalance of improperly calibrated monitors.
So your Joker doll is wearing more expensive clothes than you are???????/

I'm fairly thrifty when it comes to my customs... and I know I've spent more on some dolly clothes than clothes for myself :lol
I joke, but I have bought several clothing sets that cost about as much as any suit I've ever bought for myself :lol

Until the v2 of the socks comes out which corrected for the color imbalance of improperly calibrated monitors.
Yep. Screen accuracy or it's a POS.
I'm in the same boat as you. I already spent close to $300 purchasing parts for my custom gb figs when I stumbled upon this thread. I think I'm leaning toward still going the custom route and will buy parts from this set to replace or upgrade parts that weren't that great from the matty figs.

And yes, I believe you're right about the custom GB suits coming from soldierstory. They were from the SS eodmu figures and redyed to match the film.

That's right, the EODMU-11. That's the main reason why my project came to halt. I sourced the foundation of bits (all 4 Matty figs, MANDO elbow pads, web belts, Spencer's sculpts) but by the time I got serious about finishing, the EODMU suits were extinct. Without those the project is dead. While I'm not really sold on these sculpts, this new SS line looks like these are the best option for me at this point. I'm praying that everything from the neck down will be great so the most work I'll have to do is a body swap and replace the heads.

I wonder how SS is with improving their protos? These packs are clearly unfinished without the black hose covering the exposed wires, but they are still lacking several elements that Matty got right like the scrolling lights (these seem fixed unless there are options), weathering, and all the decals (the writing on the only 2 decals they included is even illegible). The Matty stream effects may even be better than these. Aside from that, my only real gripe with anything below the neck is that Venkman's suit seems a touch too fitted. (I'm not really interested in the particular civvies that their showing so far, but the quality looks pretty decent)

If they're willing to go as far as making a bike from the new movie, I'm hoping they'll go deep enough with the license and give us Zuul & Gozer
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That's right, the EODMU-11. That's the main reason why my project came to halt. I sourced the foundation of bits (all 4 Matty figs, MANDO elbow pads, web belts, Spencer's sculpts) but by the time I got serious about finishing, the EODMU suits were extinct. Without those the project is dead. While I'm not really sold on these sculpts, this new SS line looks like these are the best option for me at this point. I'm praying that everything from the neck down will be great so the most work I'll have to do is a body swap and replace the heads.

I wonder how SS is with improving their protos? These packs are clearly unfinished without the black hose covering the exposed wires, but they are still lacking several elements that Matty got right like the scrolling lights (these seem fixed unless there are options), weathering, and all the decals (the writing on the only 2 decals they included is even illegible). The Matty stream effects may even be better than these. Aside from that, my only real gripe with anything below the neck is that Venkman's suit seems a touch too fitted. (I'm not really interested in the particular civvies that their showing so far, but the quality looks pretty decent)

If they're willing to go as far as making a bike from the new movie, I'm hoping they'll go deep enough with the license and give us Zuul & Gozer

Yeah, the eodmu suits have also been the limiting factor for my custom GB figures too. I don't even see them on eBay anymore. Since Im committed to going the custom route, I'm hoping these SS GB suits will do the trick. They pretty much look like the SS eodmu flight suits except the tailoring looks a little cleaner and they are already the correct color.

Like you, I have no idea what SS's tendencies are as a toy company. I hope they do improve just about every aspect of the proto so I won't have to change too much to have my ideal GB set. I'm sure the proton pack isn't done, but I do think it's currently undersized and also lacks some of the finer details that the matty pack has (weathering, lettering on the decals). The straps and Alice frame do look better on the SS, IMO.

As for additional figures, I'd definitely buy a Vinz Clortho, Zuul, Gozer and any cool variants of the crew (ready to believe you, GBII).
This is great news but frankly I'm not crazy about what I'm seeing. The Venkman sculpt looks a bit like Jason Clarke (from Genisys and POTA) and seems way too stern/heroic - and undersized. And yeah, size is indeed a problem with SS heads, at least all the ones I have. I think it grew out of the fact that many were military that had helmets on.

The likeness on Hemsworth seems off too, though I know it's unpainted so harder to judge.

SS accessories are great, but the issue is that the Matty backpacks were HT quality, and a lot of the other bits could be improved (an amazingly great deal for the price they were - 1/3 to 1/2 the price these SS figs will be.)

I really hope they do some of the ghosts - with Slimer making a return in the new movie (and pretty unaltered) means he should be obvious, but I guess you never know. Devil Dog would be awesome too. You'd think SS would do a Slimer before Hemsworth's motorcycle.:slap

If the new movie does poorly (in less than a month...) it's more than possible this line will die quickly and what we see here will be it. It really didn't seem Matty was very happy with the sales on their line, so my guess is the new "franchise traffic" is the only thing driving this line.

And I don't quite get the OSW dismay over SS doing a movie line - there's quite a lot of precedent for military companies taking on branded properties. Companies like Dragon did "Timeline" (Crichton movie) figures and BBI did "Andromeda" figures many years before their demise, and as a sideline of their normal military business.