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Not sure if this has been touched on already, but Obi-Wan has now caught up to Luke in Sideshow 12-inchers. I think we need to up the Luke quotient again. Stormtrooper and/or X-wing Luke, anyone?

(Actually I'd like SS to take a leaf out of Hasbro's book and do a Stormtrooper Luke & Han two-pack!)
Well after further examination my money is on the Buck. The neck line looks like a Buck style head, I hope I am wrong but look at exhibit A.

Yeah, that's what i was talking about in my earlier post. And If we're right, i' m glad, as it's something i can pass on for now, and get later, and bash, and etc etc...
I like him, and I really don't have any problems with him on a buck, but funds and space is a factor for me right now. If he has some spectacular accessories, beyond the kamino dart :sleep, maybe I'll go for him. Otherwise, it's a pass for me.
no news on if there's a regular edition yet?

I say that, maybe this one is the regular edition.
Will that make my chances of getting him over here in the UK slim? I won't be using sideshows website, i'll probably use
I'm really confused why people aren't seeing this as a standard SSC release.

The newsletter said, the Exclusive Edition, limited to 1000 pieces, with the Exclusive accessory of the Kamino saberdart, will be available for PPO 12/5.

To me, it comes off just like all the other Star Wars PPO's, maybe it's because we haven't had a figure go up as a PPO since Comic Con but I'm fairly certain this one will be Ex. and Regular, probably a fairly low total ES like the domestic Ex. figures, but 2 versions.
So, after this friday's pre order, they might announce a regular edition, of a higher quantity?

Or even, before friday?
So, after this friday's pre order, they might announce a regular edition, of a higher quantity?

Or even, before friday?

How about it's already official? There would be no other retailers with this figure up for order if it were just a SS exclusive only. It was poorly worded in the newsletter, but the 1000 size announced is only for the version with the Kamino saber dart. There is a regular version as well, and that's what we've been seeing on the overseas retailers' sites.
Why wouldn't sideshow have information on the regular up as well?

Anyway cheers for that
I'm really confused why people aren't seeing this as a standard SSC release.

The newsletter said, the Exclusive Edition, limited to 1000 pieces, with the Exclusive accessory of the Kamino saberdart, will be available for PPO 12/5.

To me, it comes off just like all the other Star Wars PPO's, maybe it's because we haven't had a figure go up as a PPO since Comic Con but I'm fairly certain this one will be Ex. and Regular, probably a fairly low total ES like the domestic Ex. figures, but 2 versions.

That's because the product announcement on Sideshow's website states that the Episode II Obi Wan is a limited edition of 1000 pieces. I know what the newsletter said (thanks for pointing that out BTW), and it wouldn't be the first time a newsletter had an error in it, but I still gotta go with what Sideshow's own website says. There's nothing there about a regular edition at all and that's a glaring oversight which would've been amended.

Or maybe you're reading it wrong and they're saying the Episode II Obi Wan is an overall domestic "exclusive edition limited to 1000 pieces with the kamino dart." The newsletter usually talks about both the Ex and Regular. And this one didn't. Either way we'll know at the PPO or hopefully, this week's newsletter.
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The preview page on Sideshow's site says, "Limited Edition: 1,000", so add that to the poorly worded newsletter, and it makes it seem as if there will only be 1,000 Obis made...

But it's true that other online retailers wouldn't be able to offer it up if there was only a total of 1,000.
That's because the product announcement on Sideshow's website states that the Episode II Obi Wan is a limited edition of 1000 pieces. I know what the newsletter said (thanks for pointing that out BTW), and it wouldn't be the first time a newsletter had an error in it, but I still gotta go with what Sideshow's own website says. There's nothing there about a regular edition at all and that's a glaring oversight which would've been amended.

Or maybe you're reading it wrong and they're saying the Episode II Obi Wan is an overall domestic "exclusive edition limited to 1000 pieces with the kamino dart." The newsletter usually talks about both the Ex and Regular. And this one didn't. Either way we'll know at the PPO or hopefully, this week's newsletter.

Well, part of it, and the reason for PPOs is to encourage people to sign up for and read the newsletter. I don't think any Ex. item has been in the preview image or page information, typically the announcement of the Ex. is in the newsletter or comes out in the newsletter the night before the PPO. It's a marketing strategy.

I think it's just misleading wording of the newsletter where if you've been through enough SSC PPO's, you kinda just understand what's going on and if you're unfamiliar, you get confused.
Hi all,

Just to clear up any confusion, the Obi Wan Episode II figure will have an Exclusive Edition and Regular Edition. The Exclusive edition will have an edition size of 1,000, the Regular Edition will have it's own edition size (which will be announced at a future date).