Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Not having the little batarang means fail? Really? It's nice to have but I wouldn't call this a fail piece without it. Do you? When you see this without the batarang you see a fail batman pf?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Sounds like a job for the Magic 8 Ball!!!

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

When it comes to EX features on a statue I have one philosophy. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

When it comes to EX features on a statue I have one philosophy. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I feel the same way about anything. But this statue is pretty much the farthest from non-EX fail as it gets. The reg on this piece is amazing. And collectors in this forum should know that. Especially when some ppl in here pick up several EX pieces limiting supply so they can flip them on EBay and make profit from other collectors in here.

Basic economics I know, but no reason to add insult to injury. I'd rather ppl not make me feel bad about my reg purchase.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

... or for some international collectors, saving ~$200 by buying a reg at a lcs means they can get an extra pf for every 2 ex's they don't get or care about at all.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I feel the same way about anything. But this statue is pretty much the farthest from non-EX fail as it gets. The reg on this piece is amazing. And collectors in this forum should know that. Especially when some ppl in here pick up several EX pieces limiting supply so they can flip them on EBay and make profit from other collectors in here.

Basic economics I know, but no reason to add insult to injury. I'd rather ppl not make me feel bad about my reg purchase.

My philosophy is I don't care what anyone thinks other than myself. The Ex feature on this is ok but something I wouldnt use & I don't care if own it or not. The Deadpool statue on the other hand is something I do feel like I need but didn't get so I'm going to have to try & convince someone to sell me there's.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

My philosophy is I don't care what anyone thinks other than myself. The Ex feature on this is ok but something I wouldnt use & I don't care if own it or not. The Deadpool statue on the other hand is something I do feel like I need but didn't get so I'm going to have to try & convince someone to sell me there's.

It's a good philosophy to have. That being said, I would love the EX bats. Just missed the boat. :slap
So yes, every time I look at my reg, I'll see a missing batarang. :monkey2
Just don't need to be reminded of it 1000 times before it arrives.:gah:
This piece is full of win, Ex or reg. Newsflash...Of course the ex is better! It goes without saying. Saying the reg is fail is just kind of sh***y.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I believe EX or fail has become an over used phrase in these forums.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I feel the same way about anything. But this statue is pretty much the farthest from non-EX fail as it gets. The reg on this piece is amazing. And collectors in this forum should know that. Especially when some ppl in here pick up several EX pieces limiting supply so they can flip them on EBay and make profit from other collectors in here.

Basic economics I know, but no reason to add insult to injury. I'd rather ppl not make me feel bad about my reg purchase.

So long as you are happy Mr. Nice Guy, that is all that matters. It doesn't matter what other peeps say or think. No matter what anyone here is saying, don't let it get to you.

The bottom line is that I have been at this game for awhile. My 1st direct SSC purchase was the very 1st Punisher PF. I have ordered nothing but EXs since then. I'm just an EX kind of guy. Not having the batarang would bug me personally. It is a staple weapon in Bats arsenal. However, no one here can say the REG looks bad without it. For me, it would just feel incomplete. Now, if I missed out on the PO for whatever reason, would I pay a markup to have it? Only each individual collector can answer that question for themselves. You have. So long as you are comfortable with your decision, then all is good.

One of my favorite statues is my Hulk Com. It has been ripped on by many collectors. It's not 1/4 scale, his head is too small, his face looks like Mike Tyson, what's with the buzz cut, and the paint apps are not up to snuff are just some of the things peeps here ripped on. Did I care? No, because I love the piece. Since I collect for myself, I don't care what other peeps think.

The moral of my story is simple. If you are happy, screw what other peeps think. You shouldn't let anyone else's opinion stop you from enjoying your purchase. Just the same, don't let it bother you if someone really loves the EX and says EX or fail.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

So long as you are happy Mr. Nice Guy, that is all that matters. It doesn't matter what other peeps say or think. No matter what anyone here is saying, don't let it get to you.

The bottom line is that I have been at this game for awhile. My 1st direct SSC purchase was the very 1st Punisher PF. I have ordered nothing but EXs since then. I'm just an EX kind of guy. Not having the batarang would bug me personally. It is a staple weapon in Bats arsenal. However, no one here can say the REG looks bad without it. For me, it would just feel incomplete. Now, if I missed out on the PO for whatever reason, would I pay a markup to have it? Only each individual collector can answer that question for themselves. You have. So long as you are comfortable with your decision, then all is good.

One of my favorite statues is my Hulk Com. It has been ripped on by many collectors. It's not 1/4 scale, his head is too small, his face looks like Mike Tyson, what's with the buzz cut, and the paint apps are not up to snuff are just some of the things peeps here ripped on. Did I care? No, because I love the piece. Since I collect for myself, I don't care what other peeps think.

The moral of my story is simple. If you are happy, screw what other peeps think. You shouldn't let anyone else's opinion stop you from enjoying your purchase. Just the same, don't let it bother you if someone really loves the EX and says EX or fail.

Grey Hulk or fail :lol
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

:exactly: I just bought the Wolverine PF, that has its haters on here but to me it is awesome & that's all that matters. Same with the Green Lantern.

but if you really want it that much you can always get it but your going to have to pay for it just like what I'm going to have to do to get the Deadpool Ex.