I don't think he looks like he's from a movie. It's the suit he wears now – very similar to the original, only the green only goes to his waist instead of under his groin.
The problem is the texture of the material - the green needs to be a smoother material imo (like the pic attached). The black would benefit from a bit of texture however, and the logo should be 3D - preferrably with a light up feature (ring too)... for the price, it's the least they could do!
It was the texture of the suit which is why I referred it as a movie costume. If the black was textured it could hide but it still makes it out of sinque with the sups and bats. It's like having an all white clothing line and throw in a purple dress at the end of the fashion show. It's like the mistake they made by not giving joker a hex base. There just not thinking these through at all.
Do they just get high or something and think you know what would be cool put a textured suit on green lantern so the logo looses all focus and disappears. And you know what we should get Nocho 's. With extra cheese