The 90's generation has the buying power now....there's nothing you can do. Companies are catering to us now 

It seems like I am the only person who likes Byrne, Cockrum, and Lee?
I don't get it because all three of these artists transformed X-Men and led to a resurgence of fan interest comics. Byrne and Lee
As far as all the hate toward Jim Lee, fans in their 30's have the collectible buying power so many companies are going to target that audience. Plus, he is an amazing artist- if you go to SDCC, watch him 'throw' together one of his drawings for the charity auction.
I would like Brynes Storm as a PF rather then Jim Lee. But the rest of the PF must be Jim Lees.
Don't let Bullseye read this Jim Lee post...LOL!!!
If Sideshow promised that they were going to release an X-Men line based on Bryne or Cockrum, in a consistent 1/5th scale, I would buy every one of them. However, the only consistent thing about Sideshow and scale is their inconsistency.
If people were paying attention they would have seen that a new line was announced by SS based on this artists work with Sue Storm being the first, Storm second and Black Widow and Lyra were also previewed.
I know I've given a lot of crap to the strict 1/4 guys around here, but I gotta agree with having a sense of unity is important, especially in scale. I still think you should mostly forget about it, and buy what you like, but grouping different scales together, or the prospect of having a piece of a lone scale can turn buyers off. I recently sold off most of my 1/6th stuff, and the piece I kept can't really go with other scales. I think this line of thought is going only going to grow when I get the she-hulk pf. I feel like I'm pigeon-holed into supporting both lines --something SS probably anticipated. This is why my fingers are crossed the Cap com is 1/5
It seems like I am the only person who likes Byrne, Cockrum, and Lee?
I don't get it because all three of these artists transformed X-Men and led to a resurgence of fan interest comics. Byrne and Lee
As far as all the hate toward Jim Lee, fans in their 30's have the collectible buying power so many companies are going to target that audience. Plus, he is an amazing artist- if you go to SDCC, watch him 'throw' together one of his drawings for the charity auction.
I kinda wish I had the restraint to have a plan like that. Unfortunately I've gone so far off the deep end, that I have started off collecting everything that I personally consider to be a great statue or great statue of a character I really like. The first 1:1 busts I am signed up for now are wolverine and thor, which I'm pretty psyched about and curious to see how they look in person. I hear lots of folks talk about how busts are lame, but I couldn't help myself from the pictures and videos from last years SDCC.![]()
It seems like I am the only person who likes Byrne, Cockrum, and Lee?
I don't get it because all three of these artists transformed X-Men and led to a resurgence of fan interest comics. Byrne and Lee
As far as all the hate toward Jim Lee, fans in their 30's have the collectible buying power so many companies are going to target that audience. Plus, he is an amazing artist- if you go to SDCC, watch him 'throw' together one of his drawings for the charity auction.
I grew up on Dave Cockrum and John Bryne's art on Uncanny X-Men.
I kinda wish I had the restraint to have a plan like that. Unfortunately I've gone so far off the deep end, that I have started off collecting everything that I personally consider to be a great statue or great statue of a character I really like. The first 1:1 busts I am signed up for now are wolverine and thor, which I'm pretty psyched about and curious to see how they look in person. I hear lots of folks talk about how busts are lame, but I couldn't help myself from the pictures and videos from last years SDCC.![]()
Joe Madureira/Salvador Larroca for me when Lobdell was writing. I'd love to see some statues inspired by those pencillers.
Welcome to the freak show fborecki. Judging from your posts so far, you are going to fit in just fine around here. I chuckle in reading your posts because it wasn't too long ago that I was in your position...blissfully unaware of what lay behind the screen of the Sideshow homepage and then opening it and like Pandora's Box, I unleashed a plague against my wallet.
I've got the Wolverine and Thor 1:1 busts on order too. The Thor is going to be next to impossible to display due to its size.![]()