SST Shock Trooper

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If they used your flawed logic, we never would've gotten a Stormtrooper, Vader, Luke, Sandtrooper, etc., because Medi released theirs. Hell, don't stop there, why release anything Hasbro did? We've "seen it before," right? :huh I just think you're disappointed because they didn't do the Clone YOU wanted to see. :lol

ACTUALLY, I think you have flawed logic in assuming my motives. Usually you have an uncanny knack at remembering even the most pedestrian things people post, but here you've conveniently forgot that I actually usually defend SSC against people who complain about choices just because they aren't what they want...see threads in rebelscum about the endor troops or here regarding rebel fleet troopers, the tantive captain, yavin luke, and probably a half dozen other releases.

This situation is different than a Luke, Vader, etc for OBVIOUS reasons that they aren't simple repaints in which there are literally a dozen variants to choose from and SSC is choosing to make their 2nd release the same as 1 of Medicom's 2 or 3 releases.

Nice try though.:banana:banana

BTW: I'll gladly eat crow if SSC produces more Shocktroopers than Utapau troopers, but if they don't, you or anyone else saying this was the correct next ROTS clone to make should do the same. Deal?
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if SST can retain the quality of the 212th Clone then it is open season... i hope they see forth to at least offer us one of each variant before they begin with the sub variants (as excited as i am about the Shocktrooper, i don't need to see the cleaned up version of it, or the 212th before they have run through all of the variations)...
And not to start a war, but what is still wrong with the helmet? They, and the Ut troop, look pretty accurate to me. But I don't get all into EXACT screen accuracy. As long as it looks the way I remember it, I'm happy.

The SS helmet has a visor that is much too thin, it shouldn't come to a point at the bottom or be so pinched looking. The whole "mouth" and nose area is shaped wrong as well. Medicom did a pretty accurate headsculpt on their ROTS clone helmet. And what's up with the long rifle being included? Sure it's a nice to have, but theses clones had the short blasters - were the short blasters included with the Utapau trooper?
The SS helmet has a visor that is much too thin, it shouldn't come to a point at the bottom or be so pinched looking. The whole "mouth" and nose area is shaped wrong as well. Medicom did a pretty accurate headsculpt on their ROTS clone helmet. And what's up with the long rifle being included? Sure it's a nice to have, but theses clones had the short blasters - were the short blasters included with the Utapau trooper?

I see what you mean about the blasters, But I really don't see the "errors" on the helmet.:huh
The SS helmet has a visor that is much too thin, it shouldn't come to a point at the bottom or be so pinched looking. The whole "mouth" and nose area is shaped wrong as well. Medicom did a pretty accurate headsculpt on their ROTS clone helmet. And what's up with the long rifle being included? Sure it's a nice to have, but theses clones had the short blasters - were the short blasters included with the Utapau trooper?

Hey Randy!! How have you been?

The Utapau Clones included both Blasters and I'm pretty sure the Shock Trooper will as well. At least SS bothers to included the Rifles , Medicom has
been making Clones for close too 3 years now and has yet to even included
one with a Trooper . They didn't even bother to attempt one for the Ep II
Clones which carried the Rifles in Ep II.

I do appreciatte you pointing out the in accuracies though but I still think the
SS is a superior product without trying to continue the SS VS Medi debate.
Honestly though as its been said many times Medi vs SS is like comparing Apples to Oranges.
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who's a toy fellas...geesh :D

all this arguing about a doll and inaccuracies. lol. OMG da blasterz are da wrong culla!!! :p:D;)
ACTUALLY, I think you have flawed logic in assuming my motives. Usually you have an uncanny knack at remembering even the most pedestrian things people post, but here you've conveniently forgot that I actually usually defend SSC against people who complain about choices just because they aren't what they want...see threads in rebelscum about the endor troops or here regarding rebel fleet troopers, the tantive captain, yavin luke, and probably a half dozen other releases.

This situation is different than a Luke, Vader, etc for OBVIOUS reasons that they aren't simple repaints in which there are literally a dozen variants to choose from and SSC is choosing to make their 2nd release the same as 1 of Medicom's 2 or 3 releases.

Nice try though.:banana:banana

BTW: I'll gladly eat crow if SSC produces more Shocktroopers than Utapau troopers, but if they don't, you or anyone else saying this was the correct next ROTS clone to make should do the same. Deal?

I still think it's flawed logic. :lol Side-by-side, the Utapau with my Medi Clone Trooper, there really is no comparison. Especially when you look at the price (actual MSRPs, not the bargain bin Medi price). It's a superior product at a considerably more reasonable price. Additionally, I think at this point, especially with the Utapau's overall praise, pretty much any clone they release (film cannon only for this claim), is gold. The Shocktrooper was a great choice, and the perfect companion piece to their Palpatines.

My post wasn't nudging you saying you hate SSC, so don't think that, it was basically saying I perceived you as you're expressing disappointment toward them because whichever clone you expected Sideshow to make next, wasn't the Shocktrooper. With the Utapau still shipping, we still don't know how "successful" that'll be. Who knows, it might pop up like the Stormtrooper did, who're still available, and sit there for a grand wile. :huh So since there's really nothing to accurately gauge the Shocktrooper against, there's no need for anyone to eat crow (even though it tastes like gamy chicken - don't ask :lol).
I have to agree with prog here from a business standpoint. While I feel that the SSC trooper is the superior product and at a better price, I am sure that there are many potential customers that own Medi figs that are going to look at the fact they plopped down $150 already, but is it worth another $120 for a figure that is already represented. In these economic times I would have to think most people would say their Medi is good enough.
While I think the SSC troopers are incredible it bugs me that they are so much money when the production costs are going to spread over what will be such a large number of the same repainted figure.
from a business standpoint, SSC should be releasing products that the most people want.

basically they're saying that despite, I don't know for sure, say 25% of their potential customers already own the figure from another company that the sales of Shocktrooper would be greater than sales of a different clone. I personally can't believe that's true.

I just think a Gree or a generic Kashyyyk or some other clone would have been more in demand right now. :dunno
I don't have sour grapes, I just want SSC to actually make money so the line proceeds stronger.
I think this is going to be another German Indy situation where SSC overestimates the potential sales for a figure and I think all those poor judgements eventually bite you in the ass.
Don't forget though, the commanders all have unique features that require different armor to develop, Gree has a complex paint scheme that if they don't get it right and get a factory able to do it right is going to be a ^^^^ storm. Basic variants on the various legions of the standard Clone Trooper are easy. They're releasing these guys every once in awhile because it's an easy way to keep line momentum going while unique things are developed.

A figure like this isn't a wasted slot in the line, in fact I'd imagine we wouldn't even be getting this pre-SDCC announcement if it weren't a rehash figure like this, it's just something that people will probably want that can be fairly easily produced.
The SS helmet has a visor that is much too thin, it shouldn't come to a point at the bottom or be so pinched looking. The whole "mouth" and nose area is shaped wrong as well. Medicom did a pretty accurate headsculpt on their ROTS clone helmet. And what's up with the long rifle being included? Sure it's a nice to have, but theses clones had the short blasters - were the short blasters included with the Utapau trooper?

*yawn* Is this still going on ? The Medikiddies need a new line. I think you guys that got Medicom troopers over estimate how many people picked them up.
I'm glad to get this one as if its close to the Utapau it will very nice. That being said it was I'm sure easier to have ready sooner than the commanders. I have no doubts they're coming and IMO probably at SDCC. At least a 1-2 anyways. Getting them right with how different they are is important.
Not likely, but it'd be cool if they did a Mustafar inspired based. I don't know how much of an extra expense custom bases are, but I'd like to see it explore like Hot Toys is doing more and more, it was great for Darth Vader having the Mustafar droid based base for him.