SST Shock Trooper

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Just got home from work and place an order for the exclusive version.
He'll look great next to Palpatine:emperor for sure!
I realised there isn't any mentioning of a regular version for this figure? Does anyone know, will there be one?
I think a regular version doesn't go up till the day after the exclusive? Right?

That is usually the case, however each time there is a reminder messge on the SSC website but not this time. I am a little concern cause I usually get the regular edition from a local retailer.:)
Would rather a different clone variation at this point (as the Medi version is cool with me) but I ordered one. Love the Shockies.
I saw a gallery on the regular's page...

Can't decide between getting a couplke of these or a couple more 212th (in the hope that Cody gets a release...)

Had no idea this was up loss as the exclusive is (still) lame....well, since I will never order from Cornerstore comics again, need to find a new online retailer that sells these for less..
Uh-oh. Did you forget to pay your gallery bill? ;)

Maybe so... it seems that all of the new images are blank? And this is on my work computer today, and the same thing at home last night.

No gallery on the regular releases page either for me.