By the way the first two games didn't have a campaign either--their single player stuff was just a collection of the levels with a loosely based story.
By the way the first two games didn't have a campaign either--their single player stuff was just a collection of the levels with a loosely based story.
BF2 had Galactic conquest which was essentially a campaign. It was also great fun, I have no idea why they didn't try to replicate it. But even though both originals were more arena shooters if you will, they had more characters, vehicles and factions so held your interest.
game looks and plays fantastic... but as mentioned.. I have a feeling you can get bored pretty fast.. Drop Zone is not doing any for me. Hoth is most fun IMO but not sure for how long .....
Yep. They had all the prequel locations too. Naboo, Kamino, geonosis, kashyyk, mustafar, polis massa.
The campaign was great. It had a point to it.
Its amazing and the graphics are so next gen, so slick looking for a beta. I love it.
Played this a bit and am not impressed. Will be passing anyway since Fallout and Tomb Raider will take me well into next year.