STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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Pretty sad when your two leads don't make the poster --Qui-Gon and Anakin. And characters with little screen time dominate -- Maul and Yoda.

Maybe Lucas is changing the focus of the 6-part Saga to the "Life and Times of YODA".

Snide coments aside, I've gotten enough distance on this film to look forward to being forced to watch it in its entirety again in the theater... and in 3D!

How will the turd look in 3D? Pee-usa!
I actually think the poster is pretty terrible... consistent of the terrible photoshop jobs that Lucasfilm has been producing for their DVD releases.
Now that LOTR and Harry Potter have run their course I think Lucasfilm needs to give the whole "greatest saga of all time" tagline a rest. Not that I prefer HP to SW but that series did go 8 movies without any of them sucking or greatly disappointing fans.

Yeah, HP is pretty awesome. If I was a kid I am sure it would have been my SW.

:lol :lol :lol Sad but true :lol

I imagine LFL is sacrificing goats in order to have the Hobbit movies bomb :lol

That's awesome, all I can think of is South Park doing something like this.

The fourth one sucked

No way dude, the 1st one sucked...everything else was great. 3rd is my favorite.

Couldn't see the trailer but that movie poster is really cool. Looking forward to this.

Oh that poster is ass, Drew Struzan is rolling in his grave. And yesh Kuzeh I know he's not dead...yet.
Not uh, he's got legs now and HASN'T been killed by Uncle Owen. All the cool looking characters go out like beetches.
Pretty sad when your two leads don't make the poster --Qui-Gon and Anakin. And characters with little screen time dominate -- Maul and Yoda.

Maybe Lucas is changing the focus of the 6-part Saga to the "Life and Times of YODA".

Snide coments aside, I've gotten enough distance on this film to look forward to being forced to watch it in its entirety again in the theater... and in 3D!

How will the turd look in 3D? Pee-usa!

I just watched it again on Blu Ray two weeks ago...and it's still just as bad.
I have a feeling, unless I ever have children, I think when I see these films in the theater for 3D it is very likely it will be the last time I ever watch these films again in my life. That goes for Ep 4-6 too. I really have very little interest in watching them again.
I have a feeling, unless I ever have children, I think when I see these films in the theater for 3D it is very likely it will be the last time I ever watch these films again in my life. That goes for Ep 4-6 too. I really have very little interest in watching them again.

IH8PROG, new license plate. :mad:
its not a shot at SW. They are probably my favorite movies of all time. but much like pink floyd, once you memorized every nuance and line and special effect...the films lose their magic. i'd rather watch something that would surprise me...I guess in one way thats a positive reason for changing the films every few years...:lol
Episode 1 is really the worst one for me. really.

I mean killing of Qui-gon and then the undignified death of Maul. I mean WTH man. o_0
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Episode 1 is really the worse one for me. really.

I mean killing of Qui-gon and then the undignified death of Maul. I mean WTH man. o_0

Those are your reasons? I think we're all saddened by Qui-Gon and Darth Maul because they were so good... and it didn't get better for ep2 and ep3.

In ep2 we were supposed to see what good friends Obi-Wan and Anakin were. They kept saying it but it didn't show on screen.

Jango Fett wasn't very satisfying and he got a lousy death too. I don't think he did enough bad to deserve losing his head.

Count Dooku is a great performance by Christopher Lee but... he's still a stunt guy with an old guy composited over his head fighting a digital creature. He also loses his head.

General Grievous... biggest waste of a character I thought. He looked cool but talked like a moron, coughed and weazed and was only missing a monocle and mustache to make him the ultimate villain. His lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan was pretty lame and not believable, even in the star wars universe. At least he had a cooler death visually.

Nothing beat Darth Maul's double bladed lightsaber in cool factor, which is kinda sad when you think about it.

And one of the worst crimes of ep2 and ep3 besides Hayden... CG clone troopers. Not a single one of them are real! You can even tell when it's a CG Jango because his visor reflects more fake light than it would if it were real. That's lazy, George.
ep 2 was the worst for me, theres no excuse for that factory line scene and then the gladiator pit, those beasts were comical, 3p0 on a battle droid? really lame the dragon obi rides, maybe to travel across the desert but to get around undetected, i dont think so
Those are your reasons? I think we're all saddened by Qui-Gon and Darth Maul because they were so good... and it didn't get better for ep2 and ep3.

In ep2 we were supposed to see what good friends Obi-Wan and Anakin were. They kept saying it but it didn't show on screen.

Jango Fett wasn't very satisfying and he got a lousy death too. I don't think he did enough bad to deserve losing his head.

Count Dooku is a great performance by Christopher Lee but... he's still a stunt guy with an old guy composited over his head fighting a digital creature. He also loses his head.

General Grievous... biggest waste of a character I thought. He looked cool but talked like a moron, coughed and weazed and was only missing a monocle and mustache to make him the ultimate villain. His lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan was pretty lame and not believable, even in the star wars universe. At least he had a cooler death visually.

Nothing beat Darth Maul's double bladed lightsaber in cool factor, which is kinda sad when you think about it.

And one of the worst crimes of ep2 and ep3 besides Hayden... CG clone troopers. Not a single one of them are real! You can even tell when it's a CG Jango because his visor reflects more fake light than it would if it were real. That's lazy, George.

I think I didn't really explain it enough.

I can deal with Qui-gon dying or even Darth Maul dying (and no EU doesn't cut it with me :lol)

What made me dislike EP I is the way they died.

I mean make Maul do some really cool stuff and let Qui-gon sacrifice himself to save Obi-Wan and die in the process.

Not some dumb saber hit to the face and get impaled. I mean WTH?!

And to make matters worse Lucas goes and kills DM by getting Obi-wan to jump over and cut him in two?

What happened to "I have the high ground?" WTHBBQ?!

What could be worse? Ok I admit, if they got Jar Jar to kill DM, THAT would be worse but still, killing off two of my favourites in such a lame manner is unforgivable!

And one of the worst crimes of ep2 and ep3 besides Hayden... CG clone troopers. Not a single one of them are real! You can even tell when it's a CG Jango because his visor reflects more fake light than it would if it were real. That's lazy, George.

I was actually surprised by how fake the GC Jango looked... never really paid much attention, but when I watched it last night it was jarringly bad :lol

The PT is just an odd mixed-bag set of films... some truly great parts, but a lot of dumb wtf moments that just take you out of the moment.